“So hot.” Luke dipped and snagged Nico into a passionate, tongue-twisting kiss.

“Ti amo tantissimo,” Nico said, pulling back for air.

Luke kissed him again. “Whatever you said sounded sexy as fuck.”

Nico swallowed hard.

Luke raised Nico’s legs and kissed the right calf as he positioned himself for entry.

Watching for signs Nico was in pain, Luke kept up a slow pressure. Nico winced, and Luke paused.

Nico clasped Luke’s butt. “Don’t stop.”

The words said go, but Nico’s face said pain. “Nico, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” He huffed through the obvious pain. “It’s been a few years.”

“Years?” Luke stopped.

“Four.” Nico reached up to pull Luke down and nipped at his ear. His words skittered warmly over his earlobe. “Don’t stop. I’ll be fine once I get used to you.”

Luke carefully finished his entry. Nico gripped him tight and hot. God, he’d had sex before, but he’d never felt so connected.

Nico grabbed Luke’s head and pressed their lips together. After a deep kiss, he moved back. “Fuck me, Luke. Like you promised.”

He pulled back slowly and plunged forward, eliciting a deep moan. The pain was gone; this was pleasure.

Gaze fixed on Nico, Luke didn’t rush his strokes. When he pulled back, he angled so his cock rubbed Nico’s prostate. Nico’s eyes rolled back.


“Like that?”

“So much.” Nico opened his eyes. “Harder. I need more. Please.”

Having begun with long, deep thrusts, Luke moved to shorter, faster, harder ones. Nico’s ragged breathing and demands for more spurred Luke on.

Luke gulped air as he neared release. Beneath him, Nico grabbed his cock and stroked fast. Keeping his rhythm, Luke was so close when Nico grunted.

The muscles surrounding Luke’s cock contracted as a volley of come hit Nico in the face. His body kept spasming, and Luke lost it. He shoved in fast and hard and kept himself buried inside Nico as he came. After a couple of shots, he pounded a few more strokes to finish his orgasm.

Beyond happy, he collapsed onto Nico, who wrapped his arms around Luke and hugged him tight. They remained still until their breathing almost returned to normal.

Luke propped himself on his elbows and looked down. He remained inside Nico, not ready to withdraw.

“Four years? You should have told me.”

“I didn’t want you to stop.”

“God, Nico. I thought you liked bottoming.”

Nico cradled Luke’s face and their gazes met tenderly. “I do. I just haven’t met anyone I wanted to do that with in a long time.”

Luke’s chest seized. “And you wanted to with me?”

Nico broke his gaze, his Adam’s apple jutting. “You’re careful. You feel safe. I wanted to practice again.”

Luke rested his forehead against Nico’s temple. “You feel amazing, Nico.”

Nico chuckled. “It was good for you? I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”

Luke’s cock slipped out of Nico, and he felt Nico’s shiver. “It was everything for me, Nico. Now let’s clean up. I’m impatient to get to the next good part.”

“What’s that?”

“Spooning you.”

Chapter Sixteen


Nico blinked in the early morning light. His left arm was asleep, and Luke was using his chest as a pillow. He wrapped his arm around Luke’s shoulder, pulling his sleeping body closer. Luke’s soft breathing played across Nico’s bare torso. He shivered, as much from the air as from replaying last night.

His phone buzzed. Nico glanced at the side table and groaned. Shit.

He shifted and Luke stirred. “Huh? What?”

“I have to go to work. Vito is still sick, and they’re in a bind. Wish I could call in.”

Luke rolled off Nico, the outline of Nico’s morning wood tenting the thin sheet. “I think I know how much you want to call in. I’m not going anywhere. We can wash, rinse, and repeat tonight.”

Nico smirked as he rubbed his abs. “Speaking of washing, I should shower.”

“Why? I think smelling like sex would be hot. Pheromones are a thing. You’d have a line ten deep all morning.”

Nico waggled his eyebrows at Luke. “Good point. Then all of Philly’s hot guys will flock to me.”

Luke rolled out of bed like fire ants had crawled in. His cock stood straight up. “Right. In the shower you go. I’ll join you to make sure every pheromone is licked—scrubbed clean.”

Nico’s dick twitched. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’ll be late.”

Luke glanced at their clock. “Please don’t tell me this is an excuse because you hate shower sex.”

“What? No! If anything, it’s because I like it too much. Well, the idea of it at least. I’ve never showered with anyone before.”

“Really? We definitely need to fix that.” Luke stepped into his boxers. “Not right now, but soon.”

“Promises, promises.” Nico winked and walked into their bathroom.

If they got started again, Nico wasn’t sure he’d make it to work. He turned the water on and peed while it got warm. Once he pulled the shower curtain back, he said, “If you need to come in, you can.”