They made out for a while, and it was all perfectly good.

Then they got to the main event.

The double-sided strap-on looked amazing on her: her hard cock looking great between her soft thighs. Her large tits jiggled enticingly as she pushed inside him.

As he lay under her, with his legs spread wide, Tyler felt…weird. He was torn between being turned on and being terribly self-conscious. This is wrong, a voice at the back of his mind kept whispering. A normal man would be the one pushing his cock into such a hot woman. A normal man wouldn’t be taking a fake cock from her. She must be secretly mocking him.

His cock wilted at that thought.

Jessica started moving, her face flushed and her eyes half-closed. She seemed to be enjoying herself. Tyler…Tyler not so much, to be totally honest. While having a dildo in his ass felt good as usual, her rhythm was off, her thrusts weren’t powerful enough, and she kept completely missing his prostate. The more time passed, the more frustrated he got, feeling on the verge of arousal but mostly just self-conscious and awkward.

Gritting his teeth, Tyler started wanking himself. He would be damned if he asked her to find his male g-spot. That would be so embarrassing—more embarrassing than this already was.

* * *

“I’m never doing it again,” Tyler said, looking straight in front of him as he ran on the treadmill.

To his right, Nick slowed down his treadmill and turned his head. “It didn’t go well?”

Tyler pulled a face. “She was great, but…”


“I felt too self-conscious to enjoy it. I couldn’t…I couldn’t tell her that I wanted her to nail my prostate and fuck me harder. I just couldn’t. It was too embarrassing.”

Nick sighed. “It’s all in your head, Ty. I think you just need to actually trust the woman before letting her fuck you. Get a girlfriend, not a one-night stand.”

“Yeah, and what if my girlfriend isn’t into that kind of stuff? It isn’t exactly a question I can ask on a first date.” Tyler frowned. “Besides, Jessica wasn’t even very good at fucking me. I had to actually wank the normal way to come, and I haven’t had to do that in weeks!”

Nick missed a step on the treadmill. Swearing, he switched it off and turned to Tyler with a strange look on his face. “Are you saying you can actually come just from being fucked?”

Tyler blinked, confused. “Yes? Is that unusual?”

Nick let out a laugh, shaking his head. “Yes, Ty, it’s a little unusual.”

Tyler processed that information before shrugging. “I guess I’m just that awesome.”

Nick snorted, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel. “You done? I have to go. Zach and Tristan are getting back from their honeymoon today, and there’s a welcome back thing I’m not allowed to miss.”

Tyler hopped off the treadmill. “I still can’t believe your brother married a guy. He was straight!”

Nick laughed. “It’s been years since they got together. Let it go.”

“Did you?” Tyler said, slinging an arm around Nick’s shoulders. “I remember you being pretty infatuated with your brother’s boyfriend.”

Nick rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t infatuated. Tristan is ridiculously hot, and I’m a gay man with eyes. That’s all.”

“Still. It must have been weird for you.”

“It was a little awkward at first,” Nick admitted with a wry smile. “Zach still gets kind of tense when I look at Tristan too long. It’s hilarious.”

Tyler laughed, bumping their shoulders together. “You totally do it on purpose, you prat.”

Nick shrugged with a lazy smile, his gray eyes full of amusement. “We’re brothers. It’s all in good fun.”

Tyler smiled, shaking his head. As a single child, he sometimes envied Nick his large family. Nick had four brothers and a sister, and although technically all of them lived separately, they were a close bunch and often gathered at the house of Nick’s eldest brother, Zach.

“But you aren’t pining after your brother’s husband, right?” Tyler asked, just to make sure. Sometimes it was hard to read Nick. For all his laid-back attitude, he was pretty tight-lipped when it came to his feelings and personal life.

Nick chuckled. “I’m not pining. Life is too damn short to get hung up on one bloke. Plenty of fish and all that.”

“Yeah,” Tyler said, in total agreement, following Nick into the gym shower.

Stripping down and stepping into the closest shower stall, Nick looked at him. “So what are you going to do now?”

Sighing, Tyler got into the stall next to Nick’s and started the shower. He didn’t know what to say. He felt like he’d rather die than repeat last night’s fiasco. But the problem was, he still…he still wanted to be fucked rather than fuck.

“I guess the dildo will do,” he said sulkily when he turned the shower off and got out of the stall. “I’m sure it’ll get old soon—it has to, right?—and then I’ll go back to hooking up the normal way.”