Nick pulled out his jeans and a fresh t-shirt from his bag. “You’ll live,” he said dryly. “There’s plenty of single people who don’t get laid for months.”

“Uh huh,” Tyler said distractedly, glancing at Nick’s soft cock. It was…it was kind of big. Not that he hadn’t seen Nick’s cock before—he’d seen it plenty of times—but now he actually looked at it. It must be at least seven and a half inches long when it was hard, maybe even eight inches if Nick was a grower. It was way bigger than anything Tyler had had inside him.

“It’s kind of rude to stare at your friend’s junk. Just FYI.”

Tyler flushed and looked up.

Nick had a wry look on his face, his eyebrows raised slightly.

Tyler crossed his arms over his bare chest. “It was there. Anyone would look.”

“You seem to enjoy looking,” Nick said, very dryly, glancing at Tyler’s crotch.

Tyler scowled. He really was half-hard, but it wasn’t his fault! These days anything shaped like a dildo seemed to turn him on, and apparently Nick’s cock was no exception.

“Sorry, man,” he muttered, extremely embarrassed, and started dressing. “Won’t happen again. I know it’s not cool to stare.”

Nick didn’t say anything, so Tyler assumed the incident was already forgotten.

* * *

Except he couldn’t stop thinking about it. About Nick’s cock.

Tyler was beyond embarrassed now—he was freaking out. It was one thing to get off from having something in his ass, but it was completely another to start imagining a real cock inside him. A real cock wasn’t a dildo. It was actually attached to another dude. He shouldn’t be thinking about it, imagining what it would feel like.

But he just couldn’t fucking stop thinking about it. The texture would be softer, so the initial penetration probably wouldn’t be as uncomfortable. He wouldn’t have to do any of the hard work: he wouldn’t have to move the dildo and he could just lie there and enjoy the sensation of being pounded into the mattress. Because that was what he really wanted, if Tyler were honest with himself: being pounded into. Fucked.

Did it matter if the thing in his ass was attached to another guy? Of course it fucking did. Tyler wasn’t gay. But Nick…Surely Nick didn’t count. Nick wasn’t just some guy. Nick was his best mate. Nick knew that all Tyler wanted was to have something hard pounding into him. Nick knew that Tyler wasn’t gay. So it totally wouldn’t be gay.

Pleased that it all finally made perfect sense in his head, Tyler pulled his phone out and called Nick.

“I want you to fuck me,” he said when Nick answered.

There was silence on the line.

Tyler frowned and looked at the screen of his phone to make sure the call hadn’t disconnected. Nope.

Finally, Nick cleared his throat. “Are you drunk?”

“No!” Tyler said, scoffing. “Look, I gave it some thought…”

“Oh God,” Nick muttered.

“Quit making fun of me. I’m serious. It makes perfect sense, man. You’re a gay man. Your cock. My ass. You get off, I get off, everyone is happy, nothing gets weird.”

Nick let out a strangled laugh. “Did it even occur to you that I might not want to fuck you, you twat?”

Tyler blinked in bewilderment. “Why wouldn’t you want to fuck me? I’m hot! You’re gay!”

Nick snorted. “Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I want to fuck every good-looking bloke. I told you: you aren’t my type.”

Tyler scowled, starting to get offended. Not that he wanted his best friend to secretly lust after him, but it was kind of offensive that he didn’t. “I’m everyone’s type. If I were gay, I’d totally do me.”

A laugh sounded from the other end of the line. “You take narcissism to a whole new level.” But then Nick’s voice turned serious. “It’s not a good idea, Ty. Trust me.”

“Why?” Tyler almost whined. His wrist actually hurt from all the exercise it was getting lately. Suction cup dildo had been seeing a lot of action too, but sometimes he just wanted to lie back and enjoy himself instead of working for his orgasm. He was a lazy person; so sue him.

“It would make things weird.”

“No it wouldn’t,” Tyler said. “You’ll give me your cock to get off, you get an orgasm out of it, too. It’s a win-win.”

Nick chuckled. “It’s not actually a turn-on to know that you want to use my cock as a glorified dildo.”

Tyler frowned. When Nick put it that way, it did sound kind of weird.

“Fine,” he said sulkily. “Forget it. Bye.”

He hung up and looked at his phone.

He only counted to six before it rang.

Tyler grinned. Nick was so predictable, really. For all the shit Nick gave him, he folded like a cheap lounge chair when Tyler needed his help.

“You’re such a twat,” Nick said with exasperation when Tyler answered. “Someday it won’t work.”