“If I pick up, she would expect me to fuck her,” he mumbled.

“I’m pretty sure that’s the point,” Nick said, sounding amused, the fucker.

Tyler glared and gave him a loaded look. Did he have to spell it out?

The smirk on Nick’s face widened. “Wait. Is this still about your prostate problem?”

Tyler hushed him, glancing around self-consciously.

“It is, isn’t it?” Nick said, chuckling.

“Ha fucking ha,” Tyler said, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “I know it’s funny to you, but it isn’t funny to me at all, man!”

The amused expression finally slipped off Nick’s face. “Sorry. I just figured you experimented a little and then moved on. It’s been almost a month.”

“Exactly,” Tyler said miserably. He took a sip of his beer and eyed its surface. “It’s all your fault, you know. Yours and the stupid dildo you bought me.”

“So…you put it to use, I take it?”

Tyler scowled. “Don’t you dare laugh at me.”

“I’m not laughing. Look at me, Ty. Tyler.”

Tyler forced himself to look at Nick.

Nick was gazing at him seriously, with that half-concerned, half-affectionate look Tyler was very familiar with. “Hey, you can tell me anything. You know that, right? We will figure it out.”

Tyler nodded, relaxing a little. He always did. Back in their school days, Nick was used to taking care of Tyler’s messes every time Tyler fucked up. For all the shit Nick usually gave him, Tyler knew Nick’s mocking was good-natured, and Nick had his back when it mattered.

“Talk to me,” Nick said firmly.

Tyler sighed. “I haven’t picked up in weeks because I don’t want to fuck.” He looked away, his face uncomfortably hot. “I mean, women are great—they look and smell great—but…I’d rather be fucked, to be honest.”

For a long moment, Nick didn’t say anything.

Tyler wondered if the ground beneath him could open and swallow him if he wished hard enough.

“I’m sure there are women who would be into it,” Nick said at last, his voice very neutral.

Tyler made a face. “I’m sure there are, but how am I supposed to know beforehand that the girl I’m trying to pull is into that? Like, a few weeks ago, I picked up a really hot girl and tried to suggest—you know—and…” He cringed.

“It didn’t go well?”

Tyler let out a chuckle. “You could say that. She laughed and told me she wasn’t that kinky. She laughed, Nick.” He’d never been so humiliated in his life. Even thinking about it made his cock wilt and his insides clench with mortification. He’d felt about two inches tall. He still did.

“It doesn’t mean other women would laugh too,” Nick said.

Tyler crossed his arms over his chest. “I kinda don’t feel like giving it another go,” he said with a weak laugh.


Something in Nick’s voice made him look at him.

Nick had a tight, vaguely pissed off expression on his face. “Don’t do that,” he said. “You have nothing to be embarrassed of. So some random woman wasn’t into it, so what? It’s her loss, not yours. What we’re into sexually doesn’t bloody define us. You should never be ashamed because of it.”

Tyler gave him a crooked smile. Nick was normally easygoing and laid-back, but when he was serious about something, he had that single-minded intensity that was hard not to get drawn into. He was going to be a great lawyer one day. Ridiculously, Tyler felt pretty damn proud—proud to have Nick as his best mate. Not that he had low self-esteem; it was just…Tyler liked to think of himself as realistic. He was a bit of a loser, while Nick was so much smarter. Nick was way more driven than him, more determined. Nick would go places. Tyler…Tyler was more of a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. He would probably fuck around for a few more years before settling down with some pretty girl, have 2.5 kids with her, and work at the pub until the day he died. Not that there was anything wrong with that kind of future. Tyler was perfectly a-okay with it. Nick would just have a very different one, Tyler was sure of it.

“I’m not ashamed,” Tyler lied. “I just don’t really feel like being humiliated again.”

Nick gave him a long, searching look, his gaze still uncomfortably intense.

“You could register on dating sites,” he said at last. “It would be pretty anonymous. You could be upfront about your preferences that way.”

Tyler nearly scoffed, but then he actually thought about it.

It was a perfect solution, actually.

“I’ll try it,” he said, his shoulders sagging with relief. “Thanks, man.”

Nick smiled at him. “Anytime.”

Chapter 4

Her name was Jessica. She was twenty-six, tall, dark, and stunning, with curves to die for and an amazing smile.

Tyler had carefully chosen her out of the eleven women interested in pegging him, and so far he wasn’t regretting his choice. He was definitely into her. She smelled good, her dark skin was soft and smooth, and she kissed well.