
“Reese? I have good news—mostly,” Sutton says, his voice as gravelly as ever.

“Mostly?” I echo.

Please, for the love of God, don’t let this day get any worse.

“Will Frisk was apprehended an hour ago after a brief standoff. Authorities searched the warehouse and his vehicle, and they came up with several lock boxes of cocaine. The warehouse has been declared a drug scene and his property’s been impounded. Frisk is in custody—meaning we should be able to get Abby out as soon as possible. Maybe as soon as tomorrow.”

Relief floods my body. It’s a struggle to stay standing.

“Oh my God! That’s great. Thank you so much.” I’m shaking, and I feel Paige grab my shoulders for support.

“I couldn’t have done it without Mr. Brandt’s tracker and your sister’s statement, but there’s something else you should know.”

“What?” I can’t imagine anything could dampen my mood right now.

“There are a few indications the drug ring involved may be connected to a larger, more organized group, a branch of a major cartel from El Salvador. I expect they’ll recommend Abby and Millie go under witness protection temporarily to stay safe.”

I blink.

“Why would that be a bad thing? I want them safe,” I say.

“It’s not bad, necessarily, however, they’ll have to stay in it until the trial ends. Also, it can be difficult to maintain a new identity, and during the process it’s ill-advised to talk to anyone they know. Including family.”


Oh, shit.

Just like that, the world drops out under me.

So, my sister is coming home, but I’ll see her less than I do now in jail. And poor Millie...the thought of losing her for months hurts my heart.

But they’ll be safe, and once the trial is over with Frisk in prison, they’ll be able to move on.

“We’ll do our best, Mr. Sutton. Thanks for calling,” I tell him.

“No problem. Your sister is lucky to have you. The next time you hear from me will be to tell you when to pick up Abby. I’ll talk to you soon. Goodbye.”

I end the call, close the toilet lid, and sit down, utterly exhausted.

“What’s the story?” Paige asks, leaning toward me with concern.

I sigh, palming my face to gather my thoughts before I say, “My sister might need witness protection. Millie, too. Don’t tell anyone, obviously.”

“Oh my God, of course.”

“It’s cool, Paige. Thanks for all your help.” I reach for her hand and give it a squeeze that feels like it takes all my strength.

My tainted stomach begins to settle. I keep one hand over my belly.

“Let me get you that water. Were you sick like this earlier?” she asks, leading me into the kitchen.

“No. It’s weird. I didn’t feel sick at all until it just hit me at once,” I say, mulling it over. “Guess I’m just tired from putting up with your brother-in-law.”

“I’m no stranger to cramps and belly aches sometimes,” she says, wincing. “I hate that time of month with a passion.”

We share a sympathetic smile.

“It’s never been too rough for me, I think, so it’s not that.”

But is it time for my period? The last few months have been such a wreck I don’t remember.

When bedtime comes around, Millie asks for a story like usual. Of course, before I even get the book open on my phone, she asks when Nick will be back, too. I miraculously dodge the question, sucking her into The Lion of Mars.

She’s out like a light halfway through the second chapter.

Good, because I can’t stop my mind from wandering.

And the more it spins through today—right up to me throwing up my woes—the more I start to worry. What if I’m in for another brutal surprise?

When I kiss her on the head and turn out the lights, slipping out of the room, I’m just in time to hear Paige talking to someone.

Between work, finding an attorney, and getting bail taken care of, it’s late when Ward comes home.

I catch them mid-kiss just as I walk in. He’s holding his wife like she’s priceless.

“I missed you, woman,” he growls.

She beams up at him. “Me too. Just so you know, we’ve got a four-year-old asleep upstairs, and Reese and I want gummy bears—”

His brows furrow in an expression so serious I almost laugh.

“Let me guess. You want me to drive you both to the drugstore because it’s the only place open for a mountain of gummy bears and a month’s worth of dental work?” he asks, nodding at me.

“I’ll drive!” I say. “I need some other stuff too.”

“What is it? I can pick it up for you ladies,” Ward says, trading smiles with his wife.

My face warms. “...just stuff.”

Ward looks at me again, and he’s about to open his mouth with a new question when Paige leans up, pressing her finger over his beard and the seam of his lips.

“Ward, when a woman says she needs stuff, let’s just leave it at that, m’kay?” Paige says.