He told me he loves me, I remember, but I don’t dare tell her.

Paige moved into Ward’s glamorous Lake Michigan estate just outside Chicago after they got married. The drive to her house is so long Millie falls asleep. She lets out a little snore from the back seat.

“She’s so cute. I can’t wait until we finally have a baby.”

“What are you waiting for?” I ask.

She smiles and shrugs. “Ward’s parents are divorced. We agreed to get a few years under our belt before we bring kids into it. I don’t mind. I enjoy having him to myself.”

“You two are so perfect it’s sickening,” I say with a laugh.

Her smile just grows. “Um, thank you? Also, can I ask you a question?”


“Do you think Nick was using when you found him?” she whispers.

“No way. At least, I doubt it. You know my sister is in jail on drug charges, right?”

Paige nods.

“She was forced to haul drugs for her ex. He threatened her. I think the crap in Nick’s place was connected to that somehow. He admitted he followed Will, trying to get info on him to help clear Abby. He didn’t mention bringing anything home, but he’s been weird for the last couple of days...now I know it had to be Carmen.” I stare out the window as the landscape passes by, the urban grey receding into spring green and budding flowers. “It’s ironic, I guess. Abby being in jail has worried me sick. She’ll be out soon—hopefully—but now with Nick, I have to worry about him too.”

“As soon as they get Nick booked, he’ll be out in no time. Ward won’t let him rot in there for any amount of time and he has no prior issues. He’ll get bail.”

I know she’s right.

“You know, I love Millie more than my morning coffee—and that’s a freaking lot—but I’m ready to send her home with Abby. I need to work through some crap.”

“Nick and Carmen crap, you mean?”

More like Nick and I...

“Whatever,” I say.

“Reese, I know you’re freaked out about Nick and your sister, but you can’t let it drive you crazy. Nick’s going to be okay—you hear me? Ward will make sure of it,” she says with a confidence I wish I had.

“I hope so. I think some things may be beyond even Ward.”

If the criminal justice system were so easy to navigate, Nick would’ve had Abby out weeks ago. Money doesn’t solve everything.

Paige smiles. “He’s the most powerful man in Chicago—”

“There are other billionaires in Chicago, to be fair,” I say.

“It’s not just the money. He’s got a butt-ton of contacts. You know how it goes...he doesn’t have a problem with anyone until you mess with his wife, his brother, or God forbid, his grandma. With Nick locked up, they’re messing with everyone. He’ll come through, I’m sure of it.”

I smile and nod because it’s all I can do not to break.

Once we get to her house, I lay a sleeping Millie on the couch, and Paige pours two glasses of wine.

She hands me a glass. “You can put her in a guest room if you want.”

“I’ll wait until I go up. If she wakes up in a place she doesn’t know without me, she’ll panic. I can’t deal with a meltdown today on top of everything else.”

“No problem. We’ll just have to be quiet so we don’t wake her up.”

“She’d sleep through a tornado,” I say with a wave of my hand.

My stomach lurches. I’m biting back bile. My face puckers trying to hold it back, and then the nausea passes.

“Are you okay?” Paige asks.

I stare into the wine, feeling a weird revulsion when I should be desperate for a drink after the day I’ve had.

“Could I just get some water? I’m worried I might throw up...”

“Bathroom’s over there.” She points across her open living room to a door.

Keeping a hand ready to shove over my mouth, I run, just as it hits me.

Oof. That stress is coming out.

I’m lucky I make it to the toilet before I feel the world spinning. Then I lose half my body weight and wind up a sobbing mess on the floor.

Fuck this day. I want Nick!

But since irrational desires for a man who poleaxed my heart can’t help me now, I move to the sink, splashing cold water over my hands.

“Reese?” Paige knocks gently.

I twist the doorknob, swinging it open, hating how she gasps when she sees my raw, red eyes.

“Oh, crap. If you’re not ready for this, I can tell him to call back later...” I see she’s holding my phone.

“Who?” I mouth.

“The attorney, Sutton. I saw the law office on the screen and thought you’d want to take it. He has an update on Abby.”

Finding a burst of strength, I dry my face with the hand towel and take the phone from Paige, who pushes the door open. She comes in and sits on the edge of the tub.