Kane stalks off, leaving Knox and me alone.

“Is what he said true? You ghost women after sleepin’ with them?”

Knox avoids my gaze for a few seconds before glancing at me. “You know how it is. Our lives are this ranch. There’s no time to get serious.”

“Plenty of ranch hands are married and have kids. There’s time if you make time.”

“He’s just bent out of shape because she likes me. Meanwhile, he’s too much of a pussy to tell her how he feels, so he directs his anger at me instead of manning up.”

“You sure that’s all?” I ask.

He shrugs. “Who knows. He’s been pissy ever since she won me at the auction instead of him. Now he’s acting like it’s a competition when I didn’t tell her to bid on me in the first place.”

“Give him a break. He’s in that weird friend-zone place where he’s contemplating risking their friendship for more. If he confesses how he feels and she doesn’t feel the same, it could ruin everything. Trust me, I saw Ethan go through the same damn thing.”

“Yeah, but it was obvious to everyone that Harper liked him too. Hadleigh gives mixed signals.” He says it like he knows from experience and has the same risks to overcome.

I scratch my cheek and nod. “Yeah, I know that feelin’ too.”

After a busy workday, I run home and shower. Though I know Kenzie’s working the after-school program, I send a text anyway, so she’ll see it when she’s done.

Grayson: Wanna meet me at the pub tonight? My treat ;)

I’m certain she’ll deny my invite, but I have to at least try. I can still give her the space she requested while hanging out as friends. I just want to see her.

Mackenzie: Sorry, Cowboy. After being on my feet for ten hours, I’m taking a bath and going to bed early.

I read her reply after I get dressed. My smile turns into a frown, but I understand.

Grayson: Damn, you’re gonna miss out on hearing the drama from earlier. But I get it. Can I bring you anything?

Mackenzie: Don’t try to seduce me with gossip!

Grayson: Well, if I tried using anything else, you’d call me bad names.

Mackenzie: Ha! Probably true. But since you teased, spill it.

Grayson: Alright fine. FaceTime me later when you’re soaking in the tub.

Mackenzie: When I’m conveniently naked, huh?

Grayson: I’ll be a complete gentleman. Pinky promise.

Mackenzie: Yeah, I’m sure. But okay. You better be spilling some piping hot tea!

Though Kenzie’s more modest than her grandma, she still loves knowing what’s going on around here just as much.

While I wait for Kenzie, I decide to reach out to my mother. She’s called four times and left urgent voicemails. We haven't spoken since Kenzie and I left the family reunion Saturday afternoon, and I’m sure she’s dying to talk it out.

“Hey, Mom,” I greet when she answers on the first ring.

“Grayson, honey. Finally. I was gettin’ worried ya wouldn’t call back.” She sounds out of breath or perhaps relieved.

“Sorry, Ma. I was workin’. Just got home and about to find somethin’ to eat.”

“Honey, I’m so sorry about Bella,” she blurts out. “She and Grant surprised all of us by showing up. I would’ve never pushed you to come had I known they’d be there.”

“I know. I don’t blame you at all,” I reassure her.

“Your friend looked pretty upset about it. I assume she knows?”

“After the fact,” I admit. “There was a huge miscommunication because it turns out Kenzie and Bella met before, which spiraled the whole thing.”

“Oh, sweetie. I’m sorry to hear that. Is she alright now?”

“Once we got back to the hotel and talked, things made more sense. She’s okay, though. We have a past and are only friends, but I asked her for a second chance to make it right. I’ve wanted her for a long time and didn’t know why she wouldn’t give me the time of day until this weekend.”

“What’d she say?” my mom asks eagerly.

I explain how Kenzie wants some space to process it all. “I see her every morning, and we text, but I’m not pushing her to make a decision or anything. Not yet anyway.”

“Don’t let her get away, son. Even though we didn’t get much time together, I could see the spark between y’all. In fact, I think it’s why Bella made a show of going by you. She was jealous.”

“Pfft. Of what? She made her decision six years ago.”

“Though I don’t agree with what they did to you, Grant’s my son too, and I love him and Leo. I tolerate Bella, but she’s a good wife and mother at least. However, women never forget their first love. Even if they’re happy now, there’s always a little bit of envy seeing the other person move on too.”

I know how that feels, except mine was mixed with anger.