“Doesn’t excuse how she blindsided me.” Bella had to have known I wouldn’t want to see or talk to her, but she made sure I did.

“I know, honey. You don’t have to forget what they did, but I hope one day you can forgive them for your own sake. You’ll feel lighter, and it’ll help you in future relationships too.”

I hate that my mother knows this from personal experience. My dad cheated with her childhood best friend. They had a four-year affair before she found out and filed for a divorce. The bastard was too chickenshit to admit what he’d done and fought her on everything—except Grant and me. He was more than willing to leave us behind to start a new family.

I haven’t seen the asshole since I was ten years old.

We chat for another ten minutes before we say our goodbyes. I know she worries about me, and I hate that San Antonio holds too much pain. Hopefully I can plan to go back and visit her soon without the unnecessary drama.

When my phone rings an hour later, I smile wide when Kenzie’s name flashes on the screen.

“Hello, gorgeous,” I say when I see her bright blue eyes.

“Hey, yourself. What’re ya up to?”

“Sitting here, thinking about you.”

“I bet you are. Keep your hands where I can see them, Cowboy.”

I chuckle. “Lower your phone for me.”

“Nice try. The tub is full of bubbles anyway.” She flips the camera, giving me a view of her toes peeking through the suds.

“Damn, such a tease.”

“Hardly. So, what’s this gossip? I have my glass of Merlot ready.”

Kenzie flips the camera back to her stunning face. She’s makeup free, and her blond hair is up in a messy bun, looking sexy as hell.

“I think Hadleigh’s in some threesome drama with the twins.”

Kenzie chokes on her wine, and I wait as she clears her throat. “Grayson! You nearly killed me.”

“Not my fault you can’t swallow.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “I can swallow just fine when I’m not taken off guard.”

“Not sure that helps your case.”

“Shut up and elaborate please.”

I repeat what the twins said while they were fighting and my conversation with Knox afterward. Though I shouldn’t be spreading their business, it gives me a chance to talk to Kenzie about something unrelated to us.

“Wow, so you think she’s playing them?”

“I don’t think so. But honestly, who knows. I can tell they both want her or, at the very least, Kane doesn’t want Knox to have her.”

“They’ve fought for as long as I can remember, which is unfortunate because they’re twins and should be really close.”

“They’re too different,” I counter.

“My dad and Uncle Jackson are different, and they still have a strong brotherly relationship. Though according to my aunts, it wasn’t always sunshine and roses either. Hmm…maybe they’ll eventually grow out of it.” She contemplates as she takes another swig of her drink.

“Maybe Hadleigh likes them both, and since she can’t decide, she won’t end up picking either of them,” I suggest.

“Honestly, that’s her best bet. Though they’re my cousins so I don’t see the appeal of either of them.” She shrugs.

“If she doesn’t figure out what she wants soon, I’m afraid next time fists will be swinging. They’re both muscular as hell, so I wouldn’t put it past them to do some real damage,” I say, walking to the fridge for a beer.

“Maybe I can get some details out of Harper. She usually knows what’s going on, but she's been busy with the new baby.” Kenzie tucks her bottom lip between her teeth, and it has me fantasizing about all the places I’d love for her to bite me.

“So not to change the subject, but don’t make plans this weekend,” I say casually, hoping she doesn’t call me out.

“And why not?”

“Just promise me you won’t, okay?”


“Mackenzie,” I mimic her same tone.

Finally, she relaxes her shoulders and gives in with an unamused eye roll. “Fine, but I haven’t given you my answer yet.”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“It’s driving you insane, isn’t it?” she asks, trying to hold back a grin, but I see it behind her wineglass.

“Nope. Didn’t cross my mind at all today.”

“Good. I’d hate to know you were thinkin’ of me.”

“Oh, I never said I wasn’t, darlin’,” I retort.

She arches a brow.

“Had some very inappropriate thoughts, in fact. So filthy they can’t be repeated.”

Kenzie snort-laughs, and I love the sound she makes when she’s trying to hold back. “Good night, Cowboy. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

“I’ll be there…painful erection and all.”

“Better get that looked at. Maybe a trip to the ER. I’m sure Uncle Evan works tomorrow.”

“Hard pass.” I shake my head. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it in the shower later.”

I flash her a wink, then tell her good night.

After the call ends, I decide a second shower for the night wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.