I let out a deep breath and a slight chuckle. We both made mistakes that ultimately led us here, but there's really nothing more to say. The awkwardness streaming between us is ready to swallow me whole. “Can we pretty please just go back to the ranch? I kinda wanna be alone. It’s nothing against you, I just…”

“Sure, if that’s what you want. There’s no reason to stay anyway. I’m not heading back to the reunion. Plus, it’ll give me the chance to work tomorrow.” He looks down at his phone and checks the time, then packs his small bag. It doesn’t take him long to get his things. Within ten minutes, we’re pulling out of the parking lot.

I have a million questions in my mind as we drive home.

Where do we go from here?

What does our future look like?

Now that it’s all out in the open, I can already feel the dynamic of our relationship shifting. We’re no longer “enemies,” so are we friends? More than friends? I don’t know.

After an hour of driving, Grayson turns down the radio. From the expression on his face, I’d say he’s been going crazy with his thoughts too. “So, I have to ask. Given that you know all the details now, do you think we could get a second chance? Start over and see if that same spark still exists?”

I swallow hard, not wanting to make any rash decisions, though I‘m relieved he mentioned it first. “I think I need some time before I can make that decision.” My heart and head are still trying to catch up.

“Sure, that’s fair.” He flashes a genuine smile. “I’m still helping you with the Harvest Festival, though, right?”

This makes me laugh. “You’re damn right.”

He grins, and the thick air between us slightly dissipates. So many streaming emotions are playing in my head that I turn the radio back up to block them out. I don’t know where we go from here, but I’ll need to quickly figure that out.

Chapter Sixteen


This past weekend didn’t quite go as planned, though I’m not really sure what I expected.

Never in a million years did I anticipate Bella and Kenzie knowing each other. I could’ve gone the rest of my life never seeing Bella’s face again, but considering she’s family, there’s always a chance I will. However, if anything good came out of this shit show, it was finally getting answers from Kenzie.

But now, I hope to win her back and get a second chance.

She asked for time to process everything, so I’ll give her that. Even though seeing her at the B&B every morning will be torture, I’ll give her space.

“You dumbass, what’d you do that for?”

“Me? You’re the moron who forgot to turn the electric fence back on.”

“Fuck off.”

Jesus Christ. It’s only eight on a Monday morning, and the twins are already arguing.

“You’re just pissed Hadleigh wanted to hang out with me,” Knox throws in his face, and I know it’s only a matter of time before fists start swinging.

“Wanted to? More like had to. She won you at the auction and was just keepin’ her end of the bargain.” Kane shoves him as he passes.

I should break it up and tell them to knock it off, but it’s good entertainment. So, I keep eavesdropping.

“Exactly, she won me. Not you. Get over it already,” Knox retorts.

“There’s nothing to get over except the fact that you’d never be good enough for her,” Kane says as Knox trails him.

Everyone knows Kane’s in love with Hadleigh, but who she has feelings for is still up in the air. One week, she’s all about Knox, and the next, she’s all over Kane. They should have a joust already, and the winner gets the lady.

“The hell does that mean?” Knox grabs the back of Kane’s T-shirt and yanks him back.

Kane looks murderous as he shoves his brother away. “It means you’d just fuck her, then ghost her and leave her brokenhearted. Just like you do every chick you’ve hooked up with. You wouldn’t know how to have a genuine relationship if it bit you in the ass. So yeah, my best friend deserves better than you.”

Before they start fistfighting, I make my presence known and casually whistle as I walk toward them.

“Y’all okay over here?” I arch a brow, crossing my arms.

“Just fine,” Knox grinds out between clenched teeth.

“That true?” I ask Kane.

“As long as he stays away from Hadleigh, it will be,” he blurts, scrubbing a hand through his hair, then putting on his hat.

“Not that it’s any of my business…” I begin, hoping neither of them decks me for intervening. “But Hadleigh’s old enough to make her own decisions, even if you don’t agree with them.” I glance at Kane. “You can’t control who she dates.”

“Maybe not, but if he touches her, it’ll change everything,” Kane hisses, directing his attention to Knox.