“I’m sorry about your dad. Your secret is safe with me.” I wink and his lips curl into a grin, that sexy dimple popping out.

The waitress comes over and Liam orders a bottle of white wine for the table. She brings it over, pops open the cork, and pours us each a glass.

“So, where are you from?” I ask when she walks away, curious to know where his accent is from.

He frowns but quickly schools it. “I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

Realizing his joke was meant to lighten the blow over the fact that he can’t tell me, I nod once and take a sip of my wine.

“I’m sorry,” he says, reaching across the table and threading his fingers through mine. “I want to tell you, I do, but I have to protect my family.”

“I understand,” I tell him, even though I don’t. Not really. But only because I don’t have a family. The women at the bordello are as close to family as I’ve ever had—aside from my mom—and I would do anything to protect them, but they’re still not family. “I was just curious about your sexy accent.”

He barks out a laugh that somehow sounds both melodic and masculine. “I’m from a small country in Central Europe. How about you?”

“I’m from here.” I shrug. “Born and raised.”

He nods, taking a sip of his wine. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-three. You?”

“Thirty-one,” he admits. “I’m the older brother. Nate is my Irish twin, only ten months younger than me.” He chuckles. “We used to drive our mom insane. We were in the same year growing up.”

“I’m pretty sure you both still drive her insane, if your trip to Las Vegas is anything to go by.”

He laughs. “Very true, but in our defense, we’ve been here for a week and haven’t gotten into too much trouble.”

The waitress returns, and after we both order, I ask, “How are you liking Las Vegas?”

“It’s a lot dirtier than I imagined.”

I laugh. “Yeah, it’s not all glamorous.”

We spend the next however long talking and laughing and drinking and eating. The more we talk, the more I drink and the tipsier I get. I can’t remember the last time I allowed myself to let loose like this. I’m pretty sure we’ve drunk our way through multiple bottles of wine, but I’m refusing to keep track.

When one of my favorite songs comes on, I jump to my feet and extend my hand. “Dance with me.” I blame it on the wine making me brave.

A grin spreads across Liam’s face. “It would be my pleasure.”

He pulls me into his arms and a chill races down my spine at his touch. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but lust? Maybe. Because as Liam and I sway to the music, and I rest my cheek against his chest, I’ve never felt like I belong anywhere more than I belong right here in his arms.

I close my eyes and inhale his scent. It’s woodsy and masculine. I run my hands along his muscled back and know he’s the kind of man who could protect the woman he loves. My heart swells as I pretend for just this small moment in time Liam is mine and I’m his. I imagine the book my mom used to read to me as a child, and I pretend like everything I’ve been through has led me to this moment. To finding my Prince Charming.

Liam pulls back slightly and his eyes meet mine for a brief moment before his mouth presses against my own. I’m so used to the rough way all the men I’ve been with kiss, I’m shocked at how soft his lips are. Gently, he sucks on my bottom lip, then my top. Then, his tongue swipes across the seam of my lips, requesting access. I’ve never had a man ask… They always take… and take and take and take.

But Liam asks, and I part my lips, allowing him entry. His tongue swirls against mine, and he tastes sweet like the wine. His tongue is strong like he is, but he doesn’t push, only accepting what I give him.

My hands ascend, wrapping around his nape, at the same time his land on my ass. I wait for him to grab it, but he doesn’t. His fingers glide up to my lower back and he tugs me closer, so our bodies are flush against each other. We’re still swaying to the music, our tongues dancing with each other as well.

My fingers thread through his short hair and I pull him down to me, deepening the kiss. Liam groans into my mouth and then pulls away.

“Stay with me tonight, Natalie.”

“I’m not an escort.”

“You already told me that,” he murmurs against my lips. “Stay with me because I only have three nights here and I want to spend them with you. Stay with me because you feel the attraction, the chemistry I feel. And even though we both know we only have this weekend, what’s happening between us is still worth exploring.”