After introducing Nate to Jessica, I head back to the office. Edgardo is back to standing behind the desk, and Liam is still perusing the catalogue.

“Is there something in particular you’re looking for?” I ask after a few minutes of him still not selecting someone.

He glances up and his eyes meet mine. “No matter which likes or dislikes I select, your name doesn’t come up.”

My chest tightens. “That’s because I’m not an option.” And I’ll never be again.

He tilts his head slightly in thought. “Are you married?”


“In a relationship?”

“No,” I repeat.

“Lesbian?” he jokes.

“No,” I say, allowing a small laugh to escape me. I might not be a lesbian, but my body probably thinks, after four years of not seeing a single dick, that I am.

“I want you,” he says bluntly.

“Like I said, I’m not—”

“Just dinner,” he says, cutting me off.

“I’m not an escort…” Anymore, I think but leave out.

“Then I won’t pay you.”

“I’ll have to ask Nico,” I tell him, shocked at myself for even considering this.

“I’ll wait.” He smiles wide and a tiny dimple pops out of his left cheek.

I shoot Nico a text and he tells me I’m more than welcome to go, but to make sure Edgardo goes as well if he takes me off the property.

“I’ll need a few minutes to get ready,” I tell him as I put away my phone. I’m dressed in a black pencil skirt, a silky cream-colored top, and a matching black blazer.

“You look perfect, but maybe you could change into something more… comfortable,” he suggests. “I’m planning to change as well.”

After changing into a cute flowy maroon top, dark skinny jeans, and a pair of Christian Louboutin ankle boots, I quickly brush my teeth and fluff my hair. I glance in the mirror, taking myself in—brown hair down in natural curls, brown eyes that look neither happy nor sad, and a tanned complexion. I put on a light coat of mascara, then head back out to the front entrance, where Edgardo texted me they’re waiting.

“We’re leaving?” I question when I see Edgardo, Liam, and Liam’s bodyguard waiting by the door. I had assumed since his brother and cousin stayed on the property, we would be as well.

“I mentioned dinner,” he says.

“Yes, but you also mentioned wanting to be discreet, and we have a restaurant here.”

“Let me handle that.”

“Edgardo will have to accompany me,” I tell him, suddenly nervous. I haven’t been alone with a man in years.

“I figured as much. He can ride up front with Harold.” He juts his chin out toward his guard.

I follow Liam over to his SUV. Like a perfect gentleman, he opens the door for me and I slide in. He speaks to his guard for a moment and then joins me inside.

The ride to wherever we’re going is quiet. The partition separating us from the front is closed, so I can’t see Edgardo, but he texted me to let me know he’s up front and if I need him to let him know. I feel better knowing he’s here with me.

When we arrive at one of the hotels on the Strip, I notice we’re parked in the back, where the delivery trucks go. Harold opens Liam’s door and tells him all is clear. Taking my hand in his, he guides us along the back and through a door. There’s nobody in sight and I briefly wonder if he’s made sure of this. We arrive at a restaurant and a hostess greets us as if she already knew we were coming. It’s then I notice we’re the only ones here. The entire restaurant is empty. Did they shut down the place for us?

“I paid for us to have the place to ourselves,” Liam says, as if hearing my silent thoughts. He squeezes my hand before he lets go and pulls out my chair for me.

“Since you weren’t on the list, you didn’t sign an NDA,” Harold says. “I need you to sign one before you continue.” My gaze volleys between him and Liam, who looks embarrassed at the request. I have no intention or desire to speak about Liam or our date, so I have no problem signing on the dotted line.

“Thank you,” Liam says, once Harold takes the papers and excuses himself. I can see him and Edgardo both standing at a safe distance. Close enough to keep an eye on us, but far enough away they can’t hear our conversation.

“I know it all seems a little bit much, but my family is rather… influential. My dad is sick and soon I’ll have to take over the family… business.” He clears his throat. “We came here to have one last hoorah before I have to get serious. My mom would have a fit is she knew what we were up to.” He mock shivers, and I laugh at how adorably sexy he is.