Page 92 of The Sheik's Son

“I know that.”

“And now that the announcement of the wedding is in the Gazette, word will get to the inspector. You should be safe.”

“Sebastian, you have been kind to me.” She went to kiss his cheek and his hand went into her hair.

She breathed in his scent, but instead of a masculine smell, he smelled of a cloying perfume.

“What is that?” she asked and breathed in again as she sat back from him.

“What is what?” he asked, confused.

“That smell. It smells like perfume,” she said.

Damn, he thought. Juliette.

“I—” He didn’t even know where to begin.

Sophie was not ignorant. She knew brothels existed and that Sebastian went to one did not surprise her.

“You keep a mistress?” she asked him innocently.

“She’s—” he struggled to find the words.

“I don?

?t have any right to pry,” Sophie said, but was shocked and almost stunned at the raw jealousy that pierced her heart.

“Your life shouldn’t change because of this marriage of convenience. If anything you should have more leeway. And I never expected you to be chaste. That would be ridiculous. I bid you good night.” She moved away from the sofa.

“Sophie.” He called her name once but she was gone.

When she was safely inside her room, she threw her small beaded purse into the corner and stepped out of her shoes. She realized that she wanted Sebastian. She didn’t want him to kiss and touch another woman. She wanted him all to herself. She shook her head. What a mess!


Sebastian met Etienne at a tavern the next evening. Etienne looked dopey with a huge grin on his face and Sebastian was the exact opposite.

“Jesus, mon ami! Is that what I have to look forward to as a married man?” Etienne complained.

Etienne had spent every free moment in the company of Leila, either with her parents or her chaperone, a young maid Katharine had hired. He was deeply in love with Leila and knew that she felt the same.

When he came upon his friend and soon to be brother-in-law, he was certain something was wrong. Sebastian seemed withdrawn.

“No. Not at all. I am not sleeping well,” Sebastian said absently, eyeing the ale in front of him.

Etienne slammed his hand onto the table and laughed heartily. “Of course you aren’t!”

Several people turned to look at the two men while Etienne grinned like a lunatic.

“No,” Sebastian said. “It’s not that.”

“Come, come, my friend. There is no shame in bedding your wife. Surely that is the greatest joy we men receive from marriage.”

Sebastian shook his head. “No. I have things on my mind.”

“Things you wish to share?” Etienne took a swig from his own ale.

Sebastian wanted to confide in Etienne but he worried he might let the truth slip to Leila and then his parents would find out. No. He must say nothing.