Page 91 of The Sheik's Son

Sophie frowned. “No.”

“He didn’t hurt you?”

“Why would he?” Sophie asked.

“Some men can be very amorous in their attentions. Some even enjoy roughness,” Eugenie explained to her, though the conversation involved some delicacy.

Sophie realized she was referring to what Leila had been asking about. Since when did the sexual act become a rough and demanding act? It sounded most unpleasant. She must speak to Sebastian. She must be able to answer these questions correctly.

“No, Grand-mère. He was a gentleman.” She remembered the passion that she had always felt with Sebastian and she blushed lightly.

Eugenie scoffed at that. “A gentleman? Perhaps at the theater, but a woman wants a little bit of a scoundrel in the bedroom.”

“Grand-mère!” Sophie squeaked.

Eugenie grinned. She had finally shocked her oh-so intelligent granddaughter.


When Sophie arrived home, Sebastian was in the front library reading. She was pulling off her cape as she entered.

“You look lovely,” he commented. “That color suits you.”

She wore a lavender-colored silk gown with a square neckline. “Thank you.”

She bit her lip and rounded the room several times admiring the books, the small bar he kept, the painting on the wall and the windows that looked out onto the street.

“Did you need something, Sophie? You seem distracted,” Sebastian remarked as he placed the book on his lap.

She turned to him, biting her lower lip as she did. Sebastian watched the plump lip pulled under and felt himself harden.

“My grandmother made some strange comments this evening at dinner.”

“Strange comments?” He set aside the book and she joined him on the sofa.

“She asked how the evening was last night and I said fine.”

Sebastian nodded. “Yes?”

“Then she went on to clarify that she was asking about the evening with you. She asked if you were rough. If you had hurt me. She said some men can be very amorous in their attentions. That some enjoy roughness.” Sophie spoke haltingly and felt her cheeks grow warm.

Sebastian waited. Of course her grandmother was asking these things. To everyone in their circle, Sophie was a married woman. Only they both knew she was an innocent.

“Do men like those things?” she asked quietly. “Do you?”

“Some men do.” Sebastian’s brown eyes met her hazel ones.

“Do you?” she pressed.

“No. I don’t require pain with pleasure. But a certain roughness can be enjoyable.”

Sophie looked away. “I told my grandmother you were a gentleman.”

Sebastian almost laughed. “I see. What did she say to that?”

“She said, ‘A gentleman at the theater but a woman wants a little bit of a scoundrel in the bedroom.’”

Sebastian smile broadened. “Maybe they do. Don’t let your grandmother scare you. I would never hurt you.”