“About damn time,” he said as she got in.

“Sorry, I slipped,” Tamara said, not looking at him. Hot angry tears threatened to escape.

“Let's just get home. We can order a pizza or something. The nerve of those servers and the director!”

Tamara zoned out as her father droned on and on about the incompetence of the hotel staff. She felt bad for them, because after all they were attacked just like everyone else, not that her father would believe her, though.

I bet Hayden believes me now, she thought, stifling a giggle. She was suddenly filled with the urge to break into a fit of laughter, but wasn't sure why. Tonight would have been funny if you were watching it from the outside or if you weren't one of the people who caused it, but Tamara had been there and was guilty, she felt she had no right to laugh. Her purse vibrated and she ignored it, not wanting to interrupt her dad's rant.

“I'm going to drop you off to get cleaned up and go get something to eat, any preferences?”

“Nothing with bananas,” Tamara said as she got out of the car.

Once inside the empty house Tama

ra headed straight for the bathroom. She kicked off her shoes halfway up the stairs and left her tights outside the door. After carefully taking the dress off without covering herself with banana pudding, she wiped off as much of the goop as she could. It was beginning to dry, so there wasn't much she could do about it. The dress was dry clean only.

After changing into her pajamas Tamara remembered the text she ignored on the way home and retrieved her cellphone, settling into her dad's armchair.

Surprise, surprise, she thought, it's from Hayden.

“Okay, I believe you now.”

“Good. If you didn't I'd say you were the crazy one.”

“Nope. I'm just as sane as you are.”

“Poor thing.”


“I'm being driven crazy very quickly.”

After sending the message she turned off her phone.

Chapter Nine

Tamara's alarm screeched and she jumped to her feet. She hadn't slept at all. Instead she lay awake counting down the hours, then the minutes, until she could climb out of bed without drawing attention to herself. Every creaky floorboard and flickering shadow made her nervous. Despite her lack of sleep Tamara was wide awake. Her eyes were huge and bloodshot. She dressed quickly and headed downstairs. Tina and Tally were staying home to go to their checkups, so they could sleep in. The house was quiet as Tamara ate a breakfast of a bagel with cream cheese. She had skipped dinner last night, having lost her appetite as a result of being covered in banana pudding.

When she was finished with breakfast Tamara dropped her plate into the soapy dishwater from the night before and turned to double check her backpack. She knew everything was still inside, where it should be, but she needed something to do with her hands.

The water in the sink sloshed and Tamara snapped in the direction of the sink. The plate was airborne and traveling straight for her head. Tamara's reaction time hadn't slowed since the volleyball team was disbanded. Her hands sprang up in front of her face instinctually. The edge of the plate collided with her palms and her fingers gripped the soapy dish. It slipped from her grasp, but she recaptured it inches from the floor.

“Stop it you guys!” she said out loud.

“Who are you talking to, Tam?” Mr. Page asked, entering the kitchen and heading straight for the coffee pot.

“I was practice my monologue for drama,” she lied.

“Sounds good. Am I taking you to school today?”

“What time did Mom get home?”

“Dunno,” he shrugged, “Guess I am then. Hopefully, she rises from the dead in time to take the girls to their checkup.

“Good luck with that.”

“Let's get going, kiddo,” Mr. Page said.