“Don't you need to get dressed first? I don't think Mr. Herold would like it if you showed up to work in your pajamas, not to mention the five o'clock shadow.”

“He gave us the day off to recover from the catastrophe last night. If you want I'll let you play hooky too,” he laughed.

“No thanks,” Tamara shook her head, “School is the only time I escape the insanity around here.”

“Then let's go,” Mr. Page yawned, stepping into his slippers.

Tamara sighed in relief upon seeing Amber and Josh standing at their morning meetup.

“I need to talk to you!” Tamara tugged on the sleeve of Amber's hoodie.

“We're okay now,” Amber laughed, “but I think you should go find Hayden.”

“Is he okay?” she asked too quick, her words slurred together.

“He was looking for you,” Amber giggled, “but I think it's something you need to see for yourself.”

“Okay,” Tamara sighed, “Which way did he head?”

“That way!” Amber and Josh laughed, pointing to the left.

Tamara turned, nearly running into Hayden.

“Why didn't you guys tell me he was right behind...” her words failed her and she bit her tongue hard trying not to laugh.

“Is that why you said you believed me now?” she managed to say.

She ran her fingers through Hayden's hair. Yesterday it had been a dark chestnut brown with natural highlights of lighter browns. Today it was splotched with bright pink patches. Hayden didn't speak while Tamara examined the damage.

“Your little brother did this too?” she said, biting back a grin. me

“No, I think this was the work of our little friends,” Hayden said, looking rather miserable.

Tamara frowned up at him, “Sorry.”

“So what do we do?” he asked.

“I only have one more idea. Let's go somewhere to talk,” she said, tugging on his coat sleeve, “Don't you have a cap or something you could wear?”

“No, I don't even own a ball cap,” he said, walking beside her.

“Well, I think I have a black beanie in my locker. It'll have to do.”

“Thanks,” he said.

“So how did they?” she pointed to his hair.

“Don't point at it!” he snapped.


“They put something in my shampoo.”

“Well, at least it only took in some spots.”

“I look like I'm wearing the hide of a cross dressing cow on my head,” Hayden said.

“One second and we'll have a short term fix, anyway,” Tamara said, turning the combination lock to her locker.