“Have you read the newest Darkness Lies book?”

“Umm. No. I don't really have time to read.”

“Even if you never pick up another novel, you have got to read Darkness Lies.”

“No, thank you!” Tamara rolled her eyes and slung her bag over her shoulder.

“Do you need a ride home today?”

“No, I'll be okay.”

Ten steps out of the room and Tamara was already feeling guilty.

“Hey,” she stuck her head back in the room, “If you want to hang out some time, talk to me at lunch tomorrow and we'll figure something out.”

“Okay,” Hayden grinned, “I'll see you then.”

“She totally digs you, man,” Tamara heard Greg say as she walked down the steps.

Later that night Tamara paced her bedroom floor, stopping every now and then to crinkle the shag carpet between her toes like she had done a million times before. Just a month ago Doug had ditched her at a school dance. That same night she had paced the same path she retraced tonight. Then her pride was wounded, but rejection. Tonight she had a different problem.

“Amber?” she said desperately into the phone for the third time this evening.

“She's still not home, kiddo,” Amber's dad said, “Is everything all right? Is there anything I can help you with?”

“No, not really. Just tell her to call me when she gets home. Oh, and tell her to charge her cellphone. There's no point in having one if you never charge it.”

“I've told her that before.”

“You and me both.”

“I'll tell her you called, Tamara.”


“Not a problem, kiddo.”

Tamara ended the call and it vibrated against her palm.

“Amber?” she answered immediately.

“Sorry, no,” said the guy on the other end of the line.

“Who is this?”

“Is this Tamara?”

“Yes, now who the hell is this? Doug, if it's you again I swear I'm going to kick you in the...”

“Whoa, whoa, not to so fast, it's me, Hayden. You know, Hayden, from chess club,” Hayden said, “Who's Doug?”

“No one important. Do you need something? Because I'm waiting on a very important call. How did you get my number?”

“You're listed in the school's directory,” Hayden said, “it wasn't hard to find. I thought I'd give you a call just to see what you were up to. You said you were waiting on a call, is everything all right?”

“Yeah,” Tamara lied, “Everything's fine. I'm just waiting on my friend Amber to call me. She's like having a fight with her boyfriend or something.”

“Oh, that sucks! I was hoping you would have time to hang out tonight. A bunch of us are going up to Founder's Hill to test out Cindy's new telescope.”