“I'm going to have to pass,” Tamara bit her lip. Why couldn't he ask her out on a real date? Was that what geeks did for fun? Tamara could look at the stars just fine from her own front yard.

“Yeah, I figured with your friend having relationship issues and all that. Maybe, next time then?”

“We'll see. I have to go now.”

“I'll see you tomorrow at lunch, then.”


“Good night, Tamara.”

Tamara ended the call and tried Amber's house again.

“Hang on a minute, kiddo, she's just coming through the door.”


“It's about time, eh?”

“Sure the heck is,” Tamara laughed.

“Hey, what's up?” Amber said coming on the line, “Dad said you like called a million times.”

“Tell me I'm not crushing on Hayden Bradley.”

“Okay, you're not crushing on Hayden Bradley, but that's a lie. Just so you know.”

“Ooooh! You are so not helping!”

“If you think you like him go for it. Sure, he's not Doug, but that's a good thing. Remember, Doug's a VIP member of the House of Jerks.”

“Yeah, I know. It's just...”

“Just what?”

“Either you like him or you don't, Tam. I just have one question is it because he's hot, which he is very much so, or is it more?”

“I don't know, Amber! I just don't know what the girls from the team going to say?”

“Nothing, if they know what's good for them. Tam, don't worry about it, okay? I love you to pieces, but I'm exhausted I've got to get some sleep or I'm totally going to flunk out on O'Bannon's test tomorrow.”

“Good night, Amber.”


Tamara tired to take Amber's advice to heart, but it wasn't as easy as Amber made it sound. Mrs. Bailey’s leg wasn't going to be broken forever and next year the team would resume. If she was dating Hayden what would the girls say? Oh! Why did she have to go and like Hayden Bradley? Sure, she wanted a guy with some brains, but not one who obsessed over books, movies, and chess. Why couldn't she find an athlete who wanted to discuss the repercussions of the recent partial shutdown of the government? Was that too much to ask for?

Tamara's hands wiped her clammy palms on the legs of her jeans before opening her sweet tea. Wednesday morning has trickled by like a clock with broken hands. Her stomach was growling, but Tamara pushed the food on her plate around in circles. Hayden was going to talk to her today. What was she going to tell him?

“Hey,” he slid into the seat next to her, one arm resting on the back of the chair and the other on the table, “Did you get all of the…girl problems solved?”

“What? Oh, yeah. Everything's fine now. It was all along. It was just a big misunderstanding.”

“So what are you doing today after school?”

“Hanging out with Amber.”

“We can reschedule if you're too busy, Tam,” Amber said when she arrived. Her eyes were wide and her gaze aimed directly at Tamara.