Page 15 of A Taste of Trouble

Liv's heart skipped a beat. A few beats. Holy cupcake, she was in serious trouble.

Jake dug inside his pocket for his gloves but his fingers must have already been frozen because he fumbled, and they fell to the sidewalk. Quickly, Liv bent down to pick them up.

He crouched at the same time, his own hand reaching to pick up the gloves. Their fingers briefly touched, but long enough to send a shock through her body. Her breath caught as they both let go of the gloves and they dropped to the ground a second time.

Always so cool and confident, at this moment, his hand twitched, hovering over the gloves. He rubbed it, in the same spot where Liv's hand had touched.

Her body tingled from the electric sensation and she wondered if he felt it, too. The spark. Austin was right. Seconds passed and still they crouched. His eyes softened, his shock finally replaced by a tender stare.

He reached out to sweep a strand of her hair that had fallen across her face. She turned her head and nuzzled her cheek against his palm. He was a stranger, but he touched her as if they were old lovers.

“Looks like you're just as clumsy as I am.”

When she tried to respond, there was no air in her lungs. “I…I guess so.”

Liv took the opportunity to study him while Jake reached to pick up his gloves. His lush, kissable lips. The way they were parted in a slight smile. The way the natural light picked up golden-brown flecks in his soulful eyes.

Liv couldn't stop the lustful thoughts racing around in her brain. That simple touch was telling her that she wanted this man. He was definitely her last chance for casual, no-strings fun before she got so busy she didn't have time to sleep. But she didn't think her ego could take another hit.

When they stood, he slowly lowered his gaze, taking in her curves from head to toe. She knew not much was visible underneath her winter coat, but that didn't stop the pull of desire coiling in her belly at the heat of his stare and the curve of his lips.

They continued their walk in silence, both of them staring straight ahead, but that didn't stop Liv from stealing glances. Jake looked deep in thought, like the little mouse on the wheel of his brain was working overtime.

They finally reached her building. “This is me.” Liv pointed to the revolving door. “Thanks for the company.”

“My pleasure.” He closed some of the space between them. She was hoping for a kiss. A caress across her cheek. Anything.

“I better get to work.” Instead of putting on his gloves, he had crammed his hands in his pockets.


They hardly knew each other, but Liv felt the electricity between them. Neither of them could break their stare, and despite the change in him, he still managed to give her a knee-weakening smile. Damn!

“You've got a killer smile, you know that?” Killer was right. She had no doubt it could decimate any line of defense blocking his way between a woman's legs. “I bet you can get any woman to do anything you want just by smiling.”

He shrugged. “I can hold my own.”

“You must be a very lucky man.” She only hoped he'd make her just as lucky.

His smile got even bigger. His shoulders had loosened, his neck a little more exposed to the elements now that they weren't shoved up to his ears. “All this talk about my smile and now I can't stop.”

“I don't mind.” Staring at this man for an extended period of time was a recipe for self-satisfaction. Liv had a feeling she would be seeing his face again while she stroked between her legs.

“So if your theory is correct, then I should be able to get you to do whatever I want?” he asked. He was definitely more at ease, his charming side emerging from the silence. Which worked for Liv. Maybe this time she wouldn't have to go out on a limb.

“I suppose so.” Liv looked him straight in the eye, hoping he would take her bait. “Why don't you tell me what you want me to do? We'll see what happens.”

“All right.” He rested his bag gently on the ground and rubbed his hands together, his smile wide and bright. One of two things was going to happen. He was either going to take the safe route, or make her job a lot easier. “Before we go to the book launch, I want you to go to dinner with me.”



Nodding, he watched her, his eyes darting back and forth. His hand fisted at his side.

No chance. A date was the last thing on Liv's mind right now. “I don't think so.”

“Ah, come on.” He lifted his hand up and rubbed the back of his neck. “You're supposed to humor me.” He pointed to his mouth with both index fingers. “Smile. Remember?” His grin was now forced. “Anything I want.”