Page 14 of A Taste of Trouble

Liv set out into the cold afternoon air with a hot man by her side, and she couldn't stop the butterflies from fluttering in her stomach.

The street bustled with traffic. Cars whizzed by and people scurried to their next destinations in a hurry. The air was crisp and Liv noticed the sniffle in her nose as it leaked from the cold. She cursed herself for not keeping tissues in her purse.

They stood outside the door, silent, then Liv began a slow walk backward. “I live just down the street.” She pointed south.

Jake followed, matching her step for step. “Lucky for you I'm headed that way.”

She cocked her head to the side and faced forward settling beside his solid frame. “I've come to the conclusion that you might be stalking me.” Not that she minded. He could stalk her anytime.

“I thought the least I could do was tell you my last name. You know, so you can stalk me a little if you want, too.”

Holy cupcake. The quiver that rippled through her body at the sight of his sensual lips curling up in a smile was enough to measure on the Richter scale. She was in serious danger.

Approaching a corner, they stopped to wait for the light to change and Liv stuffed her hands into her pockets and changed the subject. “It was worth your while. Whoever's getting those cupcakes is getting the best in the city.”

“I plan on eating these all myself.” He leaned closer. “I don't like to share.”

She wouldn't want to share him, either. Never. Ever.

“Did you go to school for this stuff?” He held out the bag, gesturing to the baked goods.

“Pastry school?”

He nodded.

She should have, but she opted for real life experience instead. She'd ruined enough cupcakes to know what it took to make it. “No. I've taken a few workshops to keep my skill set up, but I'm mostly self-taught.”

“Self-taught?” When he raised his eyebrow in curiosity, the scar on his forehead was more pronounced. She liked that he was imperfect. It made the fact that he was interested more believable. “Impressive.”

“What can I say, I'm a genius with a piping bag.”

Liv had to fist her hand in her pocket to keep from smacking her forehead. A genius with a piping bag? She stole a glance at Jake. It seemed she wasn't the only one who thought she sounded like a complete dork. He covered up his stifled laugh with a cough. The light turned and they walked with the crowd across the street. Liv was hyper-aware of his body beside hers. He had the uncanny ability to make her completely at ease yet severely uncomfortable. Especially with all his questions. Time to turn the tables.

“So you know all about my occupations. What do you do?”

“I work in public relations for Weston Communications.” She could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't enthusiastic about his job. They didn't sparkle like they should when someone loves what they do.

Liv saw that sparkle every day in the mirror when she thought about her bakery. “Your job sounds exciting. And you're so lucky to work with famous authors. I love to read. Do you—”

A car horn blared, cutting off her words. Which was perfect timing as far as she was concerned. Her mouth was running away from her again.

But Jake didn't seem to mind. He smiled. “I love publicity, but I'll admit, I don't go all fan boy over the authors.”

“Too ba

d. I'd love that job. Although, I could see myself as more of an editor.” Very few people knew about her love—obsession—with books.

“So…” He sidestepped a woman and a stroller, then sidled back to their conversation. “I know you love cupcakes and that you're starting your own business. I know you like romance books. What other books do you like to read?”

“Are you always this nosy?” Liv wasn't one to give away the details of her life so freely. But there was nothing threatening about Jake. No ulterior motive in his eyes, no sarcasm in his tone.

“Not usually.” He shot her a sly grin. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered twice as fast to keep up with the quick beat of her heart. Could it be that the womanizer was just an act? If he claimed that he wasn't normally nosy, why did he show up at the bakery?

Maybe she should reopen the Sleep with Jake Miller case. But this time, she should find out exactly where his head was.

She fidgeted with the inside of her pockets. “Why did you come to the bakery today?”

He let out a long, slow breath. A cloud of white puffed out and settled in front of his face as they came to another corner and stopped for the light. He turned, his face giving nothing away. “I wanted to see you.”