The more time passed, the clearer it became that what he’d done was unbelievably stupid. It must have been the intensity beaming from those pretty red eyes that had somehow gotten the better of Gray after a long period of celibacy. He was still a man with sexual needs, and being close to someone so undeniably handsome sparked the arousal that shouldn’t have been there.

As he was agonizing over things that couldn’t be undone, movement above the bed caught his attention. A spider, and a rather large one at that was slowly descending down the wall and toward Gray’s pillows, but Gray couldn’t be bothered to deal with it now.

Shadow on the other hand, like the protector he was, would even handle that for Gray and closed the spider in his hand. It was kind of cute that despite murdering two men a few hours ago, he didn’t want to kill a bu—

Shadow put the spider in his mouth, and then chewed through it with a happy smile. One of the spider legs twitched against his lip, but Shadow slurped it right in as if it were spaghetti.

Gray was gonna be sick.

What the hell had he done? Shadow had three—the undeniable proof that he wasn’t even human. What the fuck had Gray been thinking?

As Gray lay in the warm embrace, head tucked under Shadow’s chin and breathing in the soapy scent of clean skin, his mind raced. He shouldn’t prolong this situation or let Shadow get his hopes up. He should kick him out of bed and offer him a nice mattress so that Shadow could sleep comfortably without touching Gray with his deceptively warm hands.

He would do it tomorrow.

It had to be tomorrow, because he couldn’t face disappointment on Shadow’s face right now.

Chapter 13

When the warm body in Shadow’s arms shifted, he pulled it closer, greedy for its presence. He didn’t even mind the sudden awakening, because hugging Gray and pressing his face into the silvery hair was everything he could wish for. Like strands of moonlight, the hair caressed his skin and kept it safe from the morning scorch.

Gray went still, for a moment remaining perfectly aligned with Shadow’s body, his hip pressing against Shadow’s pulsing cock. But then he said, “Let go.”

Shadow opened his eyes in surprise. Gray had been so still he’d thought they would fall asleep again, but if the words weren’t enough of a cold shower, the light hitting his eyes did the trick. Shadow groaned and pulled the comforter over their heads to protect himself from the white blaze coming through the window.

Once in the safety of the dim, warm space under the covers, he looked at Gray with excitement that fueled the insistent pulsing in his erection. Gray’s mouth had felt so good around it last night that he couldn’t wait for his lover to lick him again. He loosened his arms around Gray so that he could move lower and capture Shadow’s cock with his agile tongue.

Gray exhaled, and his breath tickled a patch of sensitive skin where Shadow’s neck met his shoulder, but instead of rubbing Shadow with his hands like last night, Gray slid from under the comforter, letting in cool air. “What time is it?”

“Time?” Shadow stayed under the covers, baffled by the vacated space that still smelled of Gray’s warmth. What did time matter if they could spend an eternity in bed together?

He raised the hem of the comforter just enough to peek out without hurting his eyes. The hot stream of light cut across the bedding, but Shadow knew at this point that he would be fine as long as he remained in the shade. Still, what he saw beyond the bed was tempting enough to perhaps endure a bit of pain.

Gray faced away from him, dressed only in tight black underwear that followed the curve of his ass and revealed the beauty that was Gray’s slim, toned legs. At first glance, he didn’t seem to have much body hair, but the sun revealed translucent strands peppered all over his limbs.

Gray glanced over his shoulder before peeling off his socks and T-shirt. “It’s late. I don’t want to miss breakfast with everyone.”

“Oh. How about… We do that thing we did yesterday first?” Shadow swallowed and fought the impulse to reach out from the safety of the comforter and grab Gray’s hand.—

Gray’s face remained serene, its youthful lines tensing only slightly when he turned toward Shadow. It was the first time Shadow ever saw him wearing so little, and he was struck by the harmonious beauty of Gray’s torso and shoulders. Unlike his own, Gray’s body was compact, but carefully sculpted nonetheless, his skin flawless except for a few minor scars and a black and white symbol tattooed under his breastbone. Smaller than the size of Gray’s palm, it was a circle containing two contrasting sides, each dotted with the color of the other.