He wrapped his arm around Shadow’s waist and ran his fingers up Shadow’s spine as he pressed his forehead to the hard stomach, not embarrassed to gag on a cock so substantial. He was rewarded with touch so tender it pushed him spiraling down the cliff of lust as fingers traced his ears, neck, and cheeks without ever being too forceful.

Shadow’s cock went harder, his balls tightened, and Gray was too overcome by the warm fog in his brain to decide what it meant before thick heat exploded in his mouth. He swallowed, squeezing his thighs around his own stiff cock as Shadow spurted shot after shot of thick, gooey cum, as if it was to never end and they would both die, drowned by all the hot spunk.

Gray moaned, struggling with the sheer volume of the ejaculation, but once Shadow was done, he rubbed the excess that spilled out the corner of his lips against the firm, hair-dusted stomach in search of approval. It was as black as Shadow’s tears and blood had been.

“So good… now I just need to—” His brain still refused to work, but the moment his hands were no longer needed at Shadow’s cock, Gray frantically plucked his own out of the confines of jeans and underwear. Pleasure was like a snort of coke, rushing through his body until his mind couldn’t handle the speed.

Shadow slid back into the water, sending a flood to the floor, but Gray barely even noticed the dampness soaking through his pants when warm arms closed around him. Black hair stuck to Gray’s skin like additional limbs to caress his hypersensitive flesh. His mouth still throbbed with the taste of Shadow’s spunk—a strange mixture of sweetness with a hint of smoke—when Shadow whispered in a raspy voice.

“Use the other hand.”

Gray let out a broken sound, pushing hard into the warmth Shadow offered. Without thinking, he grabbed his cock with the black hand, which still felt slightly slippery from the cum he’d gotten on it seconds ago. With a twist of fingers, he tugged on his cock, surprised by the intense sensation it elicited.

“Like this. Hold me like this.”

“Always,” Shadow whispered, and Gray was struck that he might have never heard more honest words. The grip around him tightened, and even though it satisfied Gray’s craving for closeness, only seconds later he realized that a third arm slid out of Shadows body to loop around him. It slipped under Gray’s arm and scratched his back in a gentle motion that was completely out of tune from the ferocious way in which Gray was yanking on his dick.

With lips resting on the pulsing point under Shadow’s jaw, Gray let go, stroking himself until he reached the peak of pleasure and relaxed, shaking in the hot embrace as the chaos in Gray’s brain was slowly replaced by a sense of fatigue that left him leaning on Shadow’s chest.

Shadow held him even as he stepped out of the bathtub. He rubbed his smooth face against Gray’s temple, gentle and attentive, as if there really was no other place he’d rather be. It was so easy to rest next to his massive body and enjoy the soothing petting of three hands.

His lungs emptied when the same arms dragged him up, against gravity. The moment of peace was gone along with the safety of the floor beneath his knees. Gray opened his eyes and looked at Shadow with the sinking feeling that he’d made a mistake. Just hours ago they’d been borderline enemies, and no matter how nice Shadow’s cock was, or how sweet he could be, he was not human. Even the declarations that had made Gray’s lonely heart throb were dictated by a mind that didn’t work quite the same as Gray’s. Still, Gray let Shadow carry him to bed, because he wasn’t sure if he could trust his legs or his sense of balance right now.

“You can’t tell anyone about this. Even your friends,” he whispered as reality snuck its way into his pleasure-hazed mind.

Shadow put Gray into bed and pulled off his damp jeans before sneaking under the covers without allowing even an inch of space between their bodies. Gray wanted to be uncomfortable, to have a physical proof of his error, but Shadow’s hug was so utterly gentle and sweet he couldn’t bring himself to pull away.

The low sigh by his ear caused yet another cascade of shivers down Gray’s body.

“If that’s what you want, I will keep it all to myself. That actually sounds nice. All mine. No one else will know but you and me.”

And the worst thing was that it did sound nice. It did sound like what Gray had always wanted from partners. But Shadow wasn’t his partner. He was a confusing creature that would be gone within the next two months. Getting attached to him would be a mistake, no matter how much his admiration flattered Gray or how dedicated he was.