“Fuck,” I roared. Fuck. I was going to need a few hours with her tonight to get my fill. I knew she’d need just as long to work her shit out.

Her moans filled the night air as I pounded into her. Lily might have been pregnant but that didn’t stop me fucking her the way I always had. Not yet anyway. As she got closer to her due date, I’d tone it down, but she wanted it like this just as fucking much as I did.

It didn’t take either of us long to come, and when we were done, I bent over her and said forcefully, “We’re clear.”

We both stood and she caught my lips in a kiss, fingers stabbing into my waist where she held me. When she was done, she said, “I love you, but goddam it’s hard some days.”

My eyes ran down her body, appreciating the hell out of every curve and all her beauty. The sight of her baby bump caused my gut to tighten, and her earlier words came back to me. Meeting her gaze again, I said, “I’ll work on cutting back.” Fuck knew I wasn’t sure how with all the stress I was under, but for her and the kids, I’d try.

A small smile settled on her face. “Really?”

I kissed her roughly before saying, “This discussion is done. Forever.”

That smile of hers stretched a little and she nodded. She fucking knew she’d won this battle. It mightn’t be for months or maybe longer, but she’d won. “We’re clear.”

I jerked my chin towards the door. “Inside. I’ve got plans for the rest of the night.” Plans that included shutting the world out and getting lost in my woman. She could fight me as much as she wanted; I was never going anywhere. This was right where I was meant to be.

Four Years After Wedding #2


I took a deep breath and rested my hands on the bathroom vanity, staring into the mirror. Fuck, this trip to Melbourne had been hell. I’d almost lost five of my men in the bloodbath we’d been dragged into with the fucking cunts down there. Winter had his hands full with them, and while we’d taken back control of the city, neither of us was convinced that was going to be easy to keep hold of. At the rate we were going, I’d have to make another trip down there soon. And that pissed me off because Lily needed me home at the moment. This pregnancy was kicking her ass. When she wasn’t vomiting, she was fighting exhaustion.

“King.” Her voice came from behind me and I met her gaze in the mirror as she moved closer. “I didn’t hear yo

u come in.”

“Yeah.” I turned to face her, sliding my hand around her waist so I could pull her to me.

Narrowing her eyes at me, she said, “Were you a mess?”

My woman knew me well. I’d had blood on my clothes and body after Fury and I dealt with some assholes on the way home, so I’d come in quietly to clean up in case I saw the kids.

Shifting one hand to rest on her ass, I wrapped my other around her neck and nodded. “You look tired.” I hadn’t spoken with her in the last twelve hours so I had no idea how she was today. The only thing I knew without a shadow of a fucking doubt was that I was about to put my fucking foot down and tell her she was taking at least a week off work. And if Jackson didn’t like that, he could deal with me.

Smiling, she reached for my face and angled it down so she could kiss me. It wasn’t the kind of kiss either of us wanted after not seeing each other for a week, but it felt like she was just getting warmed up. Her lips lingered on mine and she pressed hard against me as if she was trying to get as close as possible. “I am tired,” she murmured before kissing me again.

This time she deepened the kiss and gave me her tongue. Within seconds, we were clawing at each other desperately. A week was too fucking long to go without her. I needed her naked. And I needed my dick inside that sweet cunt of hers.

Letting go of her neck, and pulling my mouth from hers, I removed the T-shirt she was wearing. One of mine. I fucking loved it when she wore my shirts, and she always seemed to be wearing one when I came home after being away.

My gaze dropped to her tits as my fingers worked the button and zip on her jeans. It didn’t take me long to get my hand in her panties, and as I slid my fingers through her wetness, a moan fell from her lips. I’d kept a rein on my desire to turn her around, bend her the fuck over and slam into her, but that sound was all I needed to lose any ounce of control I had.

However, as I spun her around, she heaved, vomiting into the sink. I caught her hair and held it back while she continued vomiting. When she finished, I grabbed the washer and wet it.

She took it from me and wiped her face. She then brushed her teeth before looking back up and grimacing when our eyes met in the mirror. “Sorry about that.”

I shook my head. “Lily, you’re having my baby. You don’t ever fucking apologise for anything, least of all throwing up.” I paused for a beat. “You’re still vomiting every day?”

“Yes, but I think it’s getting better, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

I raised a brow. “You think?” She was bullshitting me. This was the kind of thing someone knew for fucking sure either way.

She sighed. “I know what you’re going to say, and I don’t want you to say it.”

There was no way we weren’t going down this path today. “I’m calling Jackson and telling him you’re taking a week off work, if not longer. And you’re not gonna argue with me over this. We clear?”

Turning to face me, she hit me with a glare. “No, we’re not clear. I told you there’s no way I can take a week off right now. We’re just too busy.”