We’d discussed this over and fucking over. Hell, we’d had some arguments over it that ended in her trying to force me out of our bed. She’d learned pretty fucking fast that nothing, not even an argument that had her struggling to look at me, would keep me from our bed. This time, though, she wasn’t getting her own way.

“I’m not arguing with you over this again. Just accept it’s a given. Now, are the kids in bed already?” I expected they were; it was almost 9:00 p.m.

Her eyes widened and she pushed me away. “You don’t get to decide whether there’s a discussion or not. And besides—”

“Fuck, Lily, you’re sick and you’re tired. You need some time off. And as your husband, I do get a fucking say in it.”

She stared at me for a long few moments, anger flashing in her eyes. Then, without a word, she scooped up her T-shirt and pushed past me, muttering, “God you can be an ass.” She exited the bathroom and then the bedroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

After deciding to give her some time to cool off, I headed to Cade’s bedroom. I wouldn’t wake him or any of the kids, but I needed to get eyes on them to see for myself they were all okay.

Lily met me in the hallway outside his bedroom. Anger was still clear in her eyes, but it softened a little when she found me looking for our son. “None of the kids are here,” she said.

I frowned. “Where are they?”

“Having a sleepover at Brynn’s. I wanted tonight to just be us. Turns out that’s a good idea, because you’re being a dick, and I—”

I cut her off again and forced her back against the wall, demanding, “You wanna get this shit out now? Do it. But once it’s done, we’re not going back and forth all fucking night.”

The thing I fucking loved about Lily was her fight, and she didn’t hesitate to give it to me now. And although I could have done without it, I couldn’t help loving it at the same time. Hell, it got me hard fast.

“I’m not taking a week off, and you’re just going to live with that”—she held a hand up at me when I worked my jaw—“because I’m going to be taking a lot of weeks off in three week’s time. And if you’d given me the chance to tell you that before, we could have avoided getting shitty with each other, but no, you had to come home and start laying down your freaking law.” She drew a long breath and exhaled it loudly. “I love you, King, but some days I just wanna smack the hell out of you!”

“How long are you taking off?”

“I quit my job. Now, you need to move out of my way so I can go have a bath and have some time away from you. You’ve got me all freaking worked up when all I wanted was calm and peace tonight.”

I gripped her wrist while curling my other hand around her neck. “You give me that news and expect me to leave you alone? You can get your ass in that bath, and you can stay there for hours, but no fucking way are you doing it on your own. Not when I haven’t had your cunt for a week. And sure as fuck not when you tell me the one fucking thing I’ve wanted you to tell me for months.”

Her breathing slowed while we watched each other silently for a few moments. Then, she snaked a hand out to grasp a handful of my shirt. “How do you always manage to say the exact right thing when I most need it?”

There was no anger left in her voice. All that was there now was raw emotion. And need. The same need I had. And that’s what made us work. We could scream at each other, fight all fucking night or argue for days over something, but we always, always, came back together with that need. That urgency for the other.

My mouth crashed down on hers and my hand tightened around her neck. When I finally let her go, I growled, “You can have your bath after I fuck you. And don’t even think about arguing with me over that.”

She smiled, and for once in her life, she did what I fucking said.

Chapter From King’s Wrath in King’s POV


This was originally written in Lily’s POV in King’s Wrath. I hope you enjoy seeing it with King’s thoughts.

I knocked back half the glass of whisky I’d just poured and placed the glass on the desk. The burn of it against my throat was what I was looking for tonight. Bronze weighed heavily on my mind, as did Skylar. Fuck, I hadn’t seen her this anxious for a long time, and the fact it was because of me and the club ate at me. I hoped like fuck Lily could talk her down because I sure as hell hadn’t been able to.

A sound at the office door alerted me to someone’s presence, and I looked up to find Lily watching me with a look I couldn’t quite place. Concern perhaps.

“What?” I barked. I didn’t need her concern. Didn’t need to drag her into my shit. The sooner Lily stopped worrying over me, the better. And I sure as fuck didn’t need her hands on me again.

She entered the office, not taking any notice of my mood, and sat her ass on my desk of all fucking places.


“You should pour

me a drink,” she said, her gaze locked to mine.

I threw the rest of my whisky down my throat. “You don’t need another drink.” I could smell the booze on her from here.