I sighed. I’d met my first asshole for the night.

Well, he could buy me a drink, but I would not be drinking it, and I sure as heck wouldn’t be sleeping with him tonight.

I went back to texting King.

* * *

Me: So I just met my first asshole. Ugh. Tell me how Skylar is and take my mind off the fact I may not be getting any sex tonight.

King: She’s having a rough night. Anxiety high today.

Me: You think I should call her? Would that help?

King: No. Go get drunk.

Me: OK, but let me know if you need me.

* * *

A few minutes later, the guy with the drinks came back to the table, smiling at me like I was a sure thing. Sliding my drink in front of me, he said, “So I didn’t catch your name before.”

“Dude, I saw you chatting with the blonde in line while you got the drinks. I’m thinking you should go back to her because I’m not interested anymore.”

He glanced back at the bar and then at me again. Plastering a confused expression on his face, he attempted to spin the truth. “Oh her, she was all over me. I couldn’t get rid of her.”

God, did men really think women were stupid?

“So grabbing a woman’s ass is how you try to get rid of them?”

He scowled. “Fuck, lady, are you always this bitchy?”

My phone rang, King’s name flashing across the screen.

I answered it as I said to the dude, “I’m only this bitchy when a man tries to fuck with me. So take the drink and do your best to find some other woman to fuck with.”

With one last scowl, he picked up the drink and left me.

King’s voice rumbled through the phone. “That the asshole?”

I sighed again. “Yes. You know, I’m not convinced I’m cut out for this finding-a-man bullshit. I don’t do well with getting all pretty and flirting in the hopes a guy will like me. I’d much rather rock up wearing my sweats and find someone who can appreciate my personality. That would be a whole lot freaking easier, and I wouldn’t have to wade through all the assholes who just like my tits.” I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol in me or the fact I liked talking to King that made me vomit all those words, but either way, I was helpless to stop them.

He was silent for a beat, and then surprised me when she said, “Not all men are assholes, Lily. Keep looking. They’d be fucking idiots to only want you for your tits.”

My tummy did somersaults. “You know, King, you can say some really nice shit sometimes.”

“Yeah, well maybe you could tell Skylar that.” Weariness crept into his tone when he mentioned Skylar’s name.

“What’s going on? I told you I’d come over if she needs me.”

Silence again. And then—“She needs you.”

He may have said that Skylar needed me, but by his tone, I had to wonder if he did, too. Or maybe that was just me being drunk.

I slid off my chair. “I’m on my way.”

“I’ll send someone to get you.”

“No, I’ll just catch an Uber.”