
“Who’s King?” Quinn asked.

“The sexy biker dude who fixed her brakes,” Adelaide said.

I looked up from my phone. “We met when his sister was in an accident. I worked with her after her op.”

My phone buzzed again.

* * *

King: Watch out for the assholes.

Me: May have had too many drinks to spot them.

Me: But I’m not looking for a husband here.

Me: Just need someone who knows what he’s doing for a night.

/> * * *

Again, no reply.

“Ooh, Lily, what about this dude coming our way?” Quinn practically bounced in her seat as she smiled at the guy and motioned for him to join us.

He was definitely good-looking. I could tell that much through my alcohol haze. And tall, which was always important as far as I was concerned.

“Hello, ladies,” he said, settling himself between Quinn and me. Nice strong voice, which was another tick.

“Umm, girls,” Adelaide said as she slid off her seat. “I need the ladies. Who’s with me?”

Quinn and Georgia quickly slid off their seats, too. “Be back soon, Lil.”

The hot dude watched them leave before turning back to me with a smile. “I take it they didn’t really need to go to the ladies.”

“Correct. They’re keen for me to get laid tonight, and it looks like you might be just the guy to take care of that for me.” I threw the rest of my cocktail down my throat.

His smile grew. “I like your style.” He nodded at my empty glass. “What are you drinking?”

“A Margarita please.”

“Don’t go anywhere, gorgeous. I’ll be right back.”

I tracked his ass as he walked to the bar. Nice, but not as nice as King’s.

I got lost in thoughts of King’s ass when my phone buzzed again.

* * *

King: Don’t accept drinks off anyone.

Me: Oooh Mr Bossypants is in the house.

King: I’m serious. Fuck knows what shit they’ll drop in there.

* * *

Shit, he was right. And I’d just let a guy buy me a drink. I glanced across at the bar to see if he’d been served yet. Squinting, I located him still waiting for the bartender. My gaze dropped to take in his hand on the ass of the woman standing next to him. She giggled at something he said and then leant in close to whisper in his ear.