I hadn’t told her anything about Jen, and wouldn’t share much. That was Jen’s and King’s story to tell. “She’s been sick while he’s been away. I’ve been checking in on her, making sure she’s doing okay.”

Her frown shifted to a smile. “You’re a good guy, Devil.”

I wavered between wanting to let her keep thinking that and telling her she was far off base. In the end, I went with, “Okay, let’s do this so I can get you back to my place and get inside you.”

I led the way to the front door, surprised to hear King’s voice inside as we approached. I knew he was on his way back to Sydney, but wasn’t aware he’d arrived.

“Fuck,” I muttered as I made out what was being said. They were arguing over Shannon. I hesitated to knock on the door, not wanting to interrupt them, but when Jen screeched out something about knowing King would never change, and him retaliating with rage, I decided they might need me. Even if only to give King a moment to blow off some steam. I hadn’t heard that level of anger from him in a long time and wondered what the hell had inspired it.

Lifting my knuckles to the door, I knocked loud enough to be heard over their shouts. A couple of moments later, King yanked the door open, his wild eyes meeting mine. I sucked in a sharp breath at the madness I saw in him. Not only had his anger come out to play that night, so had his crazy.


The hair on the back of my neck stood up and apprehension prickled over my skin.


bsp; I shouldn’t have brought Hailee here.

“Devil,” King barked, his attention solely on me. It didn’t appear that he’d even noticed Hailee standing behind me. “What are you doing here?”

I’d never faltered around King. Had never felt the fear of him that so many did. However, I did in that moment. Not for me, but for Hailee. I couldn’t put my finger on the reason, because I didn’t believe he’d hurt her, but the need to protect her from him nevertheless churned deep in my gut.

“Jen called me. She seemed upset and confused, so I told her I’d come over. I didn’t realise you were home.”

“I called him when you took off,” Jen said, coming into view behind King. Her tear-stained face was painted with mascara streaks and puffiness. But as much as he’d upset her, the old Jen I’d known seemed to have made an appearance again. I hadn’t had a glimpse of her all week when I’d visited. She’d been soft and welcoming, seemingly happy to have my help. The Jen standing in front of me now had the hard glint in her eyes and the don’t-fuck-with-me stance that I associated with her from years ago.

King’s chest rose and he held his breath for a beat, as if he was working hard not to lose his shit with her. When he finally exhaled a long breath, he said, “Come in, we’ve got shit to discuss anyway.” Stepping aside, he motioned for me to enter.

I hesitated for a split second. King never missed anything and didn’t miss this. And he was as fucking perceptive as he always was when he said, “For fuck’s sake, Devil, bring her in with you. I’m not gonna hurt her.”

With that, he stalked back inside his house.

Jen’s eyes met mine, a fraction softer. “I’m sorry to get you involved in this, but he came home just before I called you and went completely psycho on me. He—”

King’s voice bellowed from another room. “Jen, get your ass in here and stop fucking bitching.”

She stiffened. “I don’t know why the fuck I came back to him. I should have known things would never change.”

I frowned. “You thought you and King would get back together?” She’d told me the other day she wished things could have been different between them, so I figured that meant they had no hope of reconciliation.

Her words were a mix of disappointment, hurt, and bitterness when she answered me. “I’ve always held out hope, Devil, but that man will never change. No woman will ever be able to compete with his first love and beat her for the top place in his heart.”

I watched as she walked away, defeat clinging to her body so hard I wondered if she’d ever get over it.

I took hold of Hailee’s hand. “You good, darlin’?”

She nodded, no hint of hesitation to be seen. “I’m good.”

When we found King in his kitchen, he passed me a glass of rum. “Drink up, brother, you’re gonna need it for what I’m about to tell you.”

I took the drink and knocked back half of it. When King thought news was that bad I’d need alcohol to stomach it, I knew something was up.

King’s eyes fell on Hailee. “Who are you?”

“Hailee.” She sounded calm and unfazed by him, but her body was tense.

“And?” He clipped out. King wasn’t known for his patience with the women club members dated. Not until they became official. Then, he had all the time in the world for them.