“Right, I think that’s enough,” I snapped. “You need to leave.”

Devil cut in with a shake of his head. “Darlin’, why don’t you give your brother and me a moment to have a chat?”

“Really? You wanna sit here and listen to more of that?”

“Yeah, I do.”

I stared at him, wondering what he thought he could achieve with Aaron. It was then that I decided he didn’t know Aaron at all, because if he did, he’d know there was no talking my brother around when he’d made up his mind.

“Okay,” I said. “Good luck.”

Aaron let me out of the booth, and I left them to it. I headed to the ladies room to freshen up and prayed like hell they didn’t take each other’s heads off.



If Bronze thought I would give Hailee up, he was seriously mistaken. As we sat watching each other, his eyes full of mistrust, mine with determination, I knew I was in for a hell of a fight.

He rested his arms on the table and leant forward, his nostrils flaring. “Get the fuck up and walk the fuck out of this restaurant now.”

My hands clenched by my side. Because he was Hailee’s brother and a club ally, I gave him the space to be an asshole. “Bronze—”

He cut me off without hearing a word I planned to say. “I don’t want to hear it, Devil.”

“And what the fuck did you think I was about to say?”

“Some bullshit about how you don’t plan to hurt her, or how you’re different to other guys, or some other fucking lie about how much you care about her. I’ve heard it all before from the other motherfuckers she’s dated, and I’ve seen the proof of it being nothing but bull.” He leant forward even more. “Tell me, Devil, you have a sister?”

“I do. And—”

“And you ever had to fly across the fucking world to save her from a man who wanted to beat her until she agreed to stay with him? You ever seen your sister’s face so bruised and swollen you hardly recognised her?”

“No.” I knew better by that point to just answer his question and let him continue. He’d only cut me off if I tried to get a word in.

“Yeah, well let me tell you, it’s something I never plan to do or see again.” He took a breath. His chest was pumping up and down rapidly as he worked himself up. “The last fucking thing Hailee needs is to get mixed up with Storm. I know the kind of men your club deals with, and like fuck will I sit back and watch my sister get involved with something or someone who could bring harm her way. You get me?”

I met his gaze as I rested my arms on the table, too. “I get you, Bronze. Completely. But there’s no way in hell I’d allow any harm to come to Hailee. It’d be over my dead fucking body.”

He stood. “I’m not interested in hearing it. I’m telling you now, walk the fuck away from my sister.”

As he took a few steps away, I called out, “I’m not leaving her, Bronze.”

He stopped and turned back to face me. Steam practically billowed out of his head. “I’m warning you, Devil. The consequences of you not doing what I’ve asked won’t be pretty.” Without another word exchanged, he stalked to his table.

I stared after him, pissed off. He could threaten me all he liked, but no fucking way would I walk away from his sister. Not unless she told me to. And even then, she’d have a fucking fight on her hands. I wasn’t a man who gave up easily. I’d been a fighter since I was a kid, my dad had made sure of that, and I wasn’t changing that anytime soon.

Just over an hour later, we arrived at King’s home after I received a call from Jen towards the end of dinner. She’d been distraught and rambling on about Shannon. I couldn’t make sense of what she said so I told her to calm down and I’d come over on my way home.

“I’ll just wait out here,” Hailee said when we pulled up outside King’s place.

“Like fuck you will. I’m not having you standing out here in the dark on your own at this time of night.”

Her hand curled around my neck and she pulled me close so she could kiss me. “This protective side of yours gets me so damn excited, bossman. I hope this doesn’t take too long because I really need you to get me naked.”

I groaned and slapped her ass. “This better not take long. Jen’s been highly fucking emotional this week while King’s been away, so she probably just needs someone to tell her everything’s gonna work out. Shouldn’t take too long.”

Hailee frowned. “Is something wrong with her?”