Page 96 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

Smiling, she shook her head. “No it’s definitely the bike. You should move it into your bedroom.”

I chuckled and dropped my mouth to hers for a kiss.

When we ended the kiss, I said, “Marry me.”

Her eyes widened. “Like for real?”

“Well I sure as fuck don’t mean we should pretend.”

She smacked me as a grin formed on her lips. “I don’t know. You’re pretty demanding with the blow jobs. I might get tired of that as I get older.”

“Fuck the blow jobs. I don’t need them.”

“Well, shit. I thought you lived for your dick in my mouth at least twice a day.”

“I used to. Not anymore.”

“This seems very sudden. Give me one reason why I should marry you.”

I could give her more than ten, but the one that meant the most to me was what I’d give. I reached for my necklace..

My yin yang necklace.

“My mother gave me this right before she died. She knew I had darkness in me and explained that the yin yang was a reminder to find the balance between the dark and the light. She prayed I would meet a woman who would balance me.” I took a deep breath. “You’re that woman, Carla. You’re my light.”

She stared at me and I almost held my breath. I wasn’t sure she would say yes. And then, she smiled and said. “Yes, I’ll marry you, but only if you agree to up your game when it comes to giving me your cock.”

I grinned. This woman was completely fucking made for me. “What are you thinking?”

As she pressed a kiss to my lips, she murmured, “I’m thinking a little kitchen action while I’m cooking dinner might be nice every now and then, and also some washing machine time while I’m doing laundry would rock. You know, turn some boring-ass jobs into something I’d actually look forward to. I’d also like some sex in public.”

“Done. We’re getting married.” I would have agreed to anything.

“Carla Caldwell. It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

I fucking loved the sound of it and couldn’t make it happen fast enough.

I’d never seen her coming.

We hadn’t been in each other’s plans.

We collided and as much as we fought it, we were destined to be together.

Because sometimes life worked out differently than the plan in our head, and that wasn’t always a bad thing.

Sometimes it was the best fucking thing in the world.



3 months later

“Mum, this party is amazing. You didn’t have to go all out like this. Havoc and I really just wanted to come home to see our families.”

She wiped her hands on her apron and gave me a look. Not just any look, but the look. The one she reserved for when she was exasperated with one of her children.

“Carla, a mother lives to see her daughter happy in life, and part of that is to see her marry the love of her life. You took off with Havoc three months ago with not a word, or even a suggestion that you would get married while you were away. You eloped. And I missed out on my opportunity to fuss over you, and help you choose a dress, and see your face light up when the man you love told you he would look after you forever.” She took a deep breath. “Today I get to fuss. Today I get to give you the party I would have given you if you’d married Havoc in Brisbane. Please just let me do that.”