Page 97 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

Tears welled in my eyes. I didn’t often cry but my mother had a knack for causing emotion to take over at times.

I reached for her hand. “I’m sorry, Mum. I should have thought of you.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m not saying that. You should always live your life the way you want to. But you should definitely let me throw you a party whenever I want to.”

Wiping my tears, I laughed. “Okay, you’re on. Any time you want a party, you just tell me.”

Her face lit up and she wrapped me in a hug. “I can see he’s making you so happy. And that makes me happy.”

When she let me go, I nodded. “He really is.”

My gaze drifted to where Havoc stood laughing with his Storm brothers. Even Nash laughed with him.

Three months away had been good for us. It had given Havoc and me the chance to strengthen our relationship away from the interference of well-meaning family. It had also given us the freedom to figure out things as we went along. Havoc loved life on the road and being by his side, I was able to witness that. My work hadn’t suffered at all and I’d quickly developed a good routine to ensure I managed to finish all the projects Jack set me.

“How long will you be staying in town?” Mum asked. We’d only arrived in Brisbane two days prior. I’d given her plenty of notice, though, so she’d had the time to plan this party. Not that I’d known that was her plan, but I loved the chance to catch up with everyone.

“A couple of weeks. We want to spend time with you and with Havoc’s dad. Then we’re gonna head up the coast and possibly make our way to Darwin.”

Mum’s gaze drifted to where Havoc’s dad stood deep in conversation with Madison. “Al seems to be doing well these days. I’ve had him and Yvette over for dinner a few times.”

Al’s gaze met mine as we talked about him and he winked. “Carla, get your ass over here, little lady. I want to ask you something.”

“Like father, like son,” Mum said with a shake of her head. “He’s so damn bossy.”

Laughing, I agreed with her. “Yeah, he is. And dirty like his son too. Will you be okay if I leave you to go and chat with everyone?”

She shooed me away. “Go. I’ve got the food under control.”

I left her and made my way to Al and Madison. However, Nash cornered me before I reached my destination. His hand landed on my arm and he said, “You got a minute?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

He pulled me aside. “You look good, babe. Happy.”

My mouth curled up in a smile. This was a lot for Nash to admit. Mainly because for him to say this meant he would have to acknowledge Havoc. “I am. Life is good.”

“You didn’t have to run away to get married, though. I wouldn’t have stood in your way.”

“I didn’t run away, Nash. Havoc asked me to marry him before we left, I just never told anyone. And when he asked me what we were waiting for a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t have a good answer for him, so we did it. I feel like I am exactly where I’m meant to be.”

“The fact he makes you this happy is enough for me. That’s all I ever wanted for you. Dad screwed you up in ways I’m sure I don’t even know and I spent my life trying to make up for that. Knowing that Havoc keeps that smile on your face makes me happy.”

I reached up and laid the palm of my hand against his cheek. “You’ve carried that burden for too long, Nash. I love you for it, but you have to let it go,” I said softly. “And as far as Dad’s concerned, I’ve decided to see him.”

Nash’s eyes widened. “Why?”

“I need to do this for me. To forgive. Not for him, but for me. Like Mum said, holding onto the bitterness and hurt and anger only causes me more pain. It’s time to let that pain go.” I’d started to work through all this old pain and I knew the next step was to see my father. I didn’t want anything to do with him, but I hoped talking with him would help me on my jou


“I’ll go with you if you want,” he offered.

I smiled again. “Always looking out for me.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for being the best brother anyone could ask for.”

Al interrupted us at that moment. “Carla, you coming?”

“I’ve gotta go,” I said to Nash. “Havoc’s dad is bossier than him sometimes.”