Mum returned her smile. “Madison, will you tell Harlow she is too sick to work today?”

Madison’s smile disappeared as her gaze zeroed in on me. “Oh, no! Are you sick, too? So many people are coming down with this cold. Apparently it’s a nasty one. You should definitely go home and sleep it off.”

“I’ll be okay, and honestly, if it gets worse later, I promise I will go home.”

Mum sighed; she knew how stubborn I could be. “Fine, but I’m holding you to that.” She eyed Madison. “Do you want your usual?”

“I’ll make it, Mum. You go do your stuff out the back,” I said as I made my way behind the counter.

She muttered something under her breath as she left us to go and get the kitchen ready for the day. I began making Madison’s coffee as I asked, “Did you hear from J?”

After settling herself on the stool at the counter, she nodded. “Yeah. And you heard from Scott?”

“I did, but I was at work at Indigo when he rang so I didn’t get to talk to him for long.” Every word I spoke sliced more pain through my throat and I wondered how I was going to make it through the day.

“They’re going to be exhausted by the time they get to Adelaide,” she said. “I hate it when they do these long rides.”

“This is the first really long one Scott has done since we’ve been together so it’s all new to me. I’ve gotta agree with you – I’m not liking it so far. And especially now that I’m sick, I’m hating it more.”

“Do you want me to come and stay with you while you’re sick?”

I looked up from what I was doing and gave her a smile. “Your mum is looking out for me, so I’m good, but thank you.”

Her eyes widened. “Mum? How? Tell me more!” It was as if she couldn’t get her words out fast enough, and I would have laughed if it didn’t hurt so much.

“Long story that I will tell you when my throat is better, but she and I are getting to know each other and she’s helping me out while Scott’s away.” I finished making her coffee and passed it to her.

“Thanks,” she said as she took her drink. “This is great, Harlow. I’m so happy for you two. And God, this might finally pull Scott into line where Mum’s concerned.”

A laugh escaped before I could stifle it, and I almost choked when I began coughing. Oh, God, make the pain go away.

Mum rushed out from the kitchen with a glass of water for me. As she passed it to me, she said in her firm tone that told me she wouldn’t be backing down, “You are going home to bed, Harlow Anne. Don’t even try to argue with me.”

I held up my hand in surrender and nodded. “I’m going,” I promised.

Madison finished her coffee and after I’d assured Mum that I would call her if I needed her, Madison walked me out to my car. The sight of a Storm member sitting on his bike a little way down the road reminded me of Scott, and I missed him a little more. I just wanted to go home and have him wrap me in his arms.

“What are you thinking?”

I found Madison watching me thoughtfully. “Just that I miss Scott. I know it’s silly because he’ll be home soon, but we’ve never been apart; I think that’s why I’m missing him so much.”

“And probably because you’re sick, too. When I’m sick, all I want is J.”

“Yeah…” I squeezed my eyes shut as I coughed. The pain was almost unbearable now so I said my goodbyes and drove home as fast as I could. Sleep and medicine were the only two things on my mind. The sooner I got them, the sooner I could start getting better. And I needed to get better fast because I wanted to take care of things while Scott was away.

* * *

What is that noise?

Make it stop.

I fumbled in the dark at the place I thought the noise was coming from. It needed to stop. The pounding in my head was only getting worse the longer the noise continued.

The more I fumbled, the more frustrated I grew until eventually my brain shifted into gear and I realised it was my phone ringing. Shifting onto my side, I opened my eyes to locate it.

“Hello?” I croaked into the phone.

God, it’s so dark.