Wilder grinned. Bingo. Way to a man’s heart – tell them they were right about something. “I knew he would, babe.” Looking at Rogue, he said, “Okay, brother, I guess you’re off strip club duty. I’ll catch you later.”

Once Wilder had walked away, Rogue got in my face. “What’s your fuckin’ game, bitch?”

I squared my shoulders. “You wanna fuck with me, expect me to fuck back with you. I’m no club whore; I’m the Pr

esident’s old lady, and I roll over for no one, asshole.” I spat my words out before turning on my heel and stalking away from him. My heart had begun beating a million times faster than it usually did; well, at least that was how it felt in my chest. Threatening a man like Rogue wasn’t something I had ever done, but as far as I was concerned, it had to be done. I had to show him I wouldn’t be a pushover.

As soon as I was safely in the staff room with the door locked behind me, I called Blade.

“Harlow, what’s up?” He answered on the second ring.

“Blade, can you spare me a guy tonight? For security at Indigo. Our guy can’t make it now.”

Without hesitation, he replied, “Consider it done.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding in. “Thank you.”

“I’ll have someone there within half an hour.”

We ended the call and I relaxed back against the door as my breathing evened out. Now all I had to do was figure out how to keep Rogue away from me while Scott was away. I refused to burden my man with anything else so there was no way I’d share with him what had happened today. Not until he got home, at least.



Knives slicing my throat.

That’s what it felt like the next morning when I woke up. Rolling over in bed, I almost cried in agony as I swallowed. By the time I’d made it into the bathroom and grabbed painkillers from the cupboard, my whole body had alerted me to the fact it was also in a great deal of pain. Every muscle ached, and I could have sworn that every bone did, too.

Once I’d taken the pills, I pulled out my phone and texted Sharon who had stayed overnight next door.

Me: You okay? And how’s Lisa and Michelle?

Sharon: I’m good. Michelle is doing better today but Lisa is still sick. I’m going to go home and shower and have some sleep in my own bed before coming back to check on them. How are you?

Me: I have their cold now.

Sharon: Are you working today at the café?

Me: Yeah.

Sharon: Sorry honey. I’ve got your Indigo shift covered tonight so at least you can rest then. I’ll check in on you before I leave for work.

Me: Thank you xx

I wanted to call in sick to my mum, but I knew we’d be having a busy day today and that she had no one else to call on, so I got dressed and headed into work.

She took one look at me when I arrived and said, “Go home, baby, I can manage on my own.”

“No, you need me today, Mum.” I grimaced as I spoke and she shook her head at me.

“I’ll manage on my own.” She attempted to shoo me away, but I resisted.

Standing my ground, I said, “I’ll get better as the day goes on; that’s what always happens when I have a cold.” The heaviness in my head led me to believe this might not be true today, but no way would I let her know that.

She frowned at me until something caught her eye behind me. When the door bell sounded, I turned to find Madison entering the café with a smile on her face.

“Morning, ladies,” she greeted us.