“There are numerous Russian diplomats in London. I would think your mother would prefer for you to be launched into society by a more formal introduction.”

This time she was prepared. Her smile never faltered as she met his gaze squarely.

“My mother is stubborn, but she is no fool. I, alas, did not inherit her ability to be at ease among strangers. She no doubt hopes that by sending me to Lord and Lady Summerville I can make a few acquaintances without causing too much embarrassment.”


She arched a golden brow. “Yes?”

“I was just thinking it was rather a stroke of fortune that Edmond decided to wed at such an opportune moment. Otherwise your visit might never have occurred.”

Her magnificent eyes flashed with annoyance at his pointed words. Ridiculously, Stefan found himself pleased to have provoked her first genuine emotion.

“There is no need for you to point out that my visit is…awkward considering that Lord and Lady Summerville have only been wed a few weeks,” she said tartly.

“I am certain you are quite welcome, Miss Karkoff.”

“Are you?”

“Of course.”

Her lips thinned. “I did attempt to convince Mother that it was not entirely appropriate to thrust myself upon his lordship, but she was insistent.”

“And do you always do what your mother commands?”

She turned to regard a nearby rosebush, the sunlight outlining the pure lines of her profile.

“Not always, but family loyalty is a strange and powerful thing, your Grace. Even for a woman who considers herself a sane, rational being.”

He frowned, struck by her low words. Was she confessing that she had been sent by the Emperor?

“Family loyalty?”


??Ah, there you are,” Edmond intruded, stepping next to Stefan with a mysterious smile. “I have convinced Brianna to return to the house, and I am certain she would appreciate your company, Leonida.”

“Of course.” There was no mistaking Miss Karkoff’s relief to be away from Stefan as she offered a hasty dip. “Your Grace.”

“Miss Karkoff.”

Barely waiting for his nod, she spun on her heel and hurried toward the house.

Stefan watched her progress in silence, still churning with a strange mixture of emotions.

Anger, suspicion and, over all, a potent fascination.

Who the devil was Miss Leonida Karkoff?

And why was he suddenly missing the sweet scent of jasmine?

“Could you not even make an effort to charm the poor female?” Edmond drawled.

“I do not trust her,” he retorted, not adding he was also unwillingly captivated by the clever minx. “I think she was deliberately sent here by the Emperor for his own devious purpose.”

“Even if she was, I am quite capable of protecting what is mine.” Edmond’s voice held a hard edge of warning. “For all of Alexander Pavlovich’s faults, he is wise enough to realize what would happen if Brianna was harmed.”

“But do you have the sense to protect yourself?”