“Touché,” he murmured.

“Forgive me.” She coyly lowered her head. “I am inclined to speak my mind too frankly.”

“There is nothing to forgive. I prefer honesty.” He deliberately emphasized the word. “And to prove my own sincerity I offer you an open invitation to make use of my library during your stay.”

She stumbled, a faint blush touching her cheeks. “That is very kind, your Grace, thank you.”

A rather odd reaction to his offhand invitation. “Not kind, merely sympathetic. For all your claims to enjoy the quiet it cannot be particularly inspiring to have only my brother and Brianna as company. I have spent enough time with the newlyweds to know they have a tendency to forget there is anyone else in the room when they are together. You at least should have some means of wiling away the hours.”

“They are very devoted to one another.”


Coming to a halt, Stefan turned to discover that Edmond and Brianna were standing near a crumbling fountain. They made a perfect vision of marital bliss, with Brianna’s head nestled against Edmond’s shoulder while his hand stroked tenderly down her back. Stefan, however, did not miss the concerned expression on his brother’s face.

“I find myself quite envious,” Miss Karkoff murmured. “It is not often a woman is allowed to wed for love.”

“And even less often for a gentleman.”


His shifted his attention to catch her disbelieving expression. “Why are you surprised?”

“I would think that a gentleman with your wealth and position could wed any woman of his choosing.”

“You have lived among the most powerful families in St. Petersburg, Miss Karkoff, you comprehend how treacherous a courtship can be.”


He shrugged. “Accept one invitation to a ball while declining another and you offend half the members of the House of Lords. Speak with one maiden for a moment longer than another and the room buzzes with rumors. And God forbid I request a few friends to Meadowland without including every unwed sister, cousin or passing acquaintance they might possess. To actually propose marriage…”

“Yes, it would no doubt cause another War of the Roses,” she said, her voice so smooth it would be easy to miss the mockery. “Very wise to remain unwed and allow each ambitious papa and title-hungry mama to continue dreaming they might capture you for their daughter.”

His smile became genuine. Despite his suspicions, he appreciated quick wits and a refusal to bore him with insincere flattery.

“My thought precisely.”

“No doubt that is why you prefer to avoid society?”

Ah, obviously Brianna had been sharing her annoyance with his refusal to accept the endless invitations that arrived each morning.

“One of many reasons.” He paused. “Ah, but perhaps I should keep my less than favorable opinion of society to myself.”


“That is why you have come to England, is it not? To be introduced into English society?”

“I…my mother thought it might be beneficial.”

“But not you?”

“I am here, am I not?” she said, her light tone belied by the stoic set of her expression.

Odd. Had she been compelled to England against her will? Not that it truly mattered. If she intended to involve Edmond in one of the Emperor’s schemes then Stefan intended to have her run out of Surrey.

“So you are. Rather surprising.”

“What is surprising?”