Edmond shrugged. “I am learning.”

Stefan smiled, folding his arms across his chest. “So, do you intend to share your announcement?”

“What announcement?”

“I may be dull and unsociable, but I am capable of noticing that you are even more overprotective of your bride than usual.”

Edmond’s eyes widened in surprise. “Mon Dieu. I forget that behind your pretense of being a staid farmer you are far more perceptive than any person I have ever known. Nothing gets past your notice, does it?”

“Very little.”

Edmond snorted, shaking his head. “You are fortunate that neither the King nor Alexander Pavlovich know of your talent. They would never allow you to leave their side.”

“And you are very accomplished at evading an answer,” Stefan retorted.

Edmond grimaced, allowing his deep concern to shimmer in his eyes. “We suspect that Brianna might be increasing but it is very early days yet. We cannot be certain.”

Stefan understood his brother’s unease. Brianna had thought she was increasing once before only to lose the child. It would be hellish to endure yet another loss.

Still, she was young and healthy. It seemed reasonable she would be able to bear her child.

He reached out to clap his brother on the shoulder. “You have my deepest congratulations, brother.”

Edmond nodded, but his gaze was searching. “Do I?”

It took a moment for Stefan to realize his brother was referring to Stefan’s proposal to Brianna months ago.

At the time he had been moved by the knowledge he had failed his childhood friend and that he could make amends by protecting her future. There had also been the comfort of familiarity.

Now he could only be relieved that she had possessed the sense to choose Edmond.

“Never think otherwise,” he assured his brother. “You and Brianna were destined for one another. Besides, I can now hope that any need to wed and produce the proper heir has been removed. Just ensure Brianna has a boy.”

“Matters are out of my hands, I fear.” Edmond’s concern eased and he smiled with wicked amusement. “And besides, you would be a fool to become overly comfortable in your role as bachelor.”

Stefan arched a brow. “And why is that?”

Edmond laughed. “I highly doubt that I am the only one destined to tumble into the clutches of a woman. It is only a matter of time, dear brother.”


IT TOOK THREE DAYS FOR LEONIDA to acquire the nerve necessary to walk the mile from Hillside to Meadowland.

Stupid, really. She had discovered from Brianna the first day she arrived in Surrey that the Duke of Huntley made a habit of spending his afternoons assisting his tenants and inspecting his vast lands. There had truly been no reason to hesitate so long.

After all, the quicker she found the damnable letters, the quicker she could return to Russia.

She told herself that her reluctance was nothing more than revulsion. She was no prude (how could she be with Nadia as her mother?), but she did draw the line at behaving like a common thief.

Deep inside, however, she knew it was not just her moral outrage that kept her from the inevitable.

No, it had far more to do with her reaction to the Duke of Huntley.

Odd how her entire body had seemed to tingle with excitement the moment he had glanced in her direction. He was stunningly beautiful, of course. But so was his brother and she had felt nothing but gratitude toward Lord Summerville. Well, gratitude and a horrid guilt.

Certainly her heart did not race and her knees feel weak whenever he happened to be near. Nor did she have the unpleasant sensation that his penetrating gaze could see through her flimsy excuses to lay bare her true reason for being in Surrey.

At last she could delay her duty no longer.