Bow Reed had still been keeping her distance from me, but I noticed she hadn’t been sitting with the rest of Legacy at lunch when I saw them. I didn’t know if she was opting to eat somewhere else or what, but she hadn’t been sitting with them.

She had a gray sweater on with the Windsor Prep crest, her signature ruby brooch right in the center of her dress shirt. The bright ruby matched the ones in her ears. Her hair was up in two space buns. This girl couldn’t manage to not look cute for the life of her. Her head tilted. “And I’m pretty sure he’s actually going to do it. He’s never gone to such lengths before. Hell, I don’t even know if I’ve ever seen him date.”

Boys like him probably didn’t. Not when they could get anything they wanted.

“I’m glad he is.” She pushed a tendril of hair behind her ear. “And though I didn’t need to be told, I knew he was wrong about you.”

So she’d been told the truth, had she? Of course, she had. Dorian and all the guys were her family. My back hit the lockers. “I never lied to you, Bow. And I’m sorry I gave you a reason to think any different.”

Her blink was slow. She pressed a hand to her chest. “You’re apologizing to me?” she asked, those lashes rapid-firing now. “But I’ve been an ass. Like a big ole ass.”

I smiled. Bow Reed cursing was like the most adorable fucking thing. She was so dang chipper and couldn’t even do it right.

“I’m sorry, Sloane. I messed up. We all did.” Her head shook. “It’d been my brother to tell me the truth, and he looked sick while he did.”

“He did?” My brow hiked.

She nodded. “He feels terrible. I heard him talking about it on his computer with the others one night.” She adjusted her bag. “I guess Ares told him and the guys to give you space, which was why I’m surprised Dorian just did what he did. Ares mentioned you were pissed at him, and I’m sure none of them were in your good graces after they didn’t believe you.”

Well, that explained the parking lot, and the Wells-and-Thatcher-keeping-their-distance thing. My brother had been there, but I had as well. Them staying back had been about me.

As it turned out, Ares Mallick struck again.

“I would have come forward sooner, but I didn’t want to make things worse,” she continued. “I hadn’t believed you


Again, I’d given her reason not to. I shrugged. “You’re right about what you said. I’d been dishonest with you before.”

“Even still I should have been better.” She frowned. “I’m really sorry, Sloane. I wanted to be there for the guys, for Dorian. It was such a bad time. His parents had to leave town, and the press has just left them all alone…”

“I get it,” I said, because I did. It was just a complicated time, and I understood.

But it was still hard, Dorian and our situation so hard for me.

“I hope you’ll consider forgiving me,” she said, and I grinned.

“What would I look like not forgiving you,” I told her being honest. “You forgave me that one time, but if I do, I have a condition.”

She appeared legit hopeful, on the toes of her Mary Janes. “What’s that?”

“You come with me to this football game.” I was actually considering it, more than considering it. “If I’m going to watch Dorian Prinze be an idiot, I’m not doing it alone.”

Her brow jumped. “You’re really going to go?”

I shouldn’t. In fact, I should flat-out refuse. I should let go and let him be an idiot.

But like most things with us, it wasn’t that simple. Dorian had gotten in deep.

Enough for me to tell Bow Reed yes.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Bru came with me to Friday’s game, and I was surprised. Though he was technically still on the Windsor Prep football team, he wasn’t allowed to play. He’d spoken to the head coach about possibly reversing his thoughts on the rest of the season, but his coach held firm on the decision. There was too much risk that the players’ workouts would be too strenuous for him, and Bru was too far behind in his academics anyway to play at all. At least for this year’s season.

This bummed my brother enough where he hadn’t wanted to talk about football at all, but perhaps, he came to simply see if Dorian Prinze would make good on his promise tonight to play all home games in a dress.