It was also the first one that made me want to see him.

His reasons were diving deeper, like he was exposing himself on lined paper right in front of me. Obviously, he hadn’t said these things to me, but he’d written them.

I didn’t know how to feel about that, and even though I’d been shamelessly looking forward to every one of his reasons, I hadn’t been so willing to let him back into my life. He was fucked up, and him professing his affection now could have just been a ploy. This boy got what he wanted from everyone, so why should I be any different than a toy he suddenly couldn’t have? I was probably the first person who’d said no to him.

“You got one minute, Dorian.”

The voice came from the intercom, female and who I knew to be Ares’s mom, Mrs. Mallick. I’d yet to see her, but I had heard her voice over the intercom every morning when she did the announcements.

“That’s all I need,” came a deep voice, Dorian’s voice. He chuckled, and judging by the female laughter that followed, something told me he’d gotten Ares’s mom in on this. I was well aware all of the Legacy families were close. Some shuffling occurred through the speakers. “Listen up. This message is for one person, so the rest of you fuckers can go about your business.”

“Dorian,” Mrs. Mallick gritted, but the smile in her voice couldn’t be denied. She was disciplining him clearly because she felt she had to in that moment. “That’s your one warning. I mean it.”

“Sorry,” he said, though he didn’t sound sorry. He sounded playful, and my tummy tossed. It was rare I saw him this way. In fact, only one time.

It was the day we’d destroyed that house together, Principal Mayberry’s house. Ironically enough, I’d goaded him to do it, and surprisingly, it’d been one of the best times of my life. It’d been freeing for me too.

“Like I said, this is for one person,” Dorian stated again, and my stomach clenched. I didn’t necessarily know if I wanted to hear what he had to say. Honestly, it was easier just being mad at him. It was easier pushing him away and not having to feel the brevity of my own reasons. I may have called him fucked up, but I definitely had my own issues. He cleared his throat. “So if you’re not Noa Sloane, you can continue on with your previously scheduled broadcast.”

People stopped talking in the hallway.

Some even gasped.

For all they knew, Dorian was about to ruin my life again. The last time he’d placed me before the entire student body, he’d been removing my name.

“I messed up with this girl,” he continued on, my heart racing. “And I told her in a letter, many letters, how I was going to not mess up anymore. I promised her I’m going to be human, and this is me being that.”

I stared around the hallway. All eyes were on me.

“My reason number sixteen talked about anger, control. So this is me putting it all out there and handing it completely over to you, Noa.”

More gasps sounded, and I hugged my books.

“I’ve asked you out recently, and you both swiftly and reasonably shut my ass down. Sorry, Brielle. I mean, Principal Mallick.”

Muted laughter occurred over the speaker. I was assuming from our temporary headmaster.

“Ten seconds, Dorian,” she said.

“Noted,” he returned, chuckling, and I listened with bated breath for what he was about to say. I was actually anticipating it like an idiot. I really needed to stop getting my hopes up for this boy.

“So here is my official declaration, in which the public humiliation following said declaration will only be for the benefit of this girl. She’s trying to teach me a lesson, and I deserve to be taught one.”

He sounded serious, no humor at all in his voice.

“So once again, I’m asking you to go out with me, Noa,” he said. “I want you to get to know me and see that I’m for real about all I’ve said to you. I also want to get to know you, but I’m a stubborn SOB, so here’s some incentive so I don’t have to wait too long for your answer. I, Dorian Riley Prinze, will play in a dress every home football game until I hear back from you. I’ve never worn a dress, but I have a feeling it will be just as humiliating as it sounds. The ball’s in your court now. Have fun with it.”

He handed the mic over after that, saying as much to Ares’s mom, and I stood in the hallway slack-jawed.

“Proceed with your classes, everyone,” Mrs. Mallick said, and both snickers and gasps in the hallway commenced. Almost instantly, I got a text from my brother. He wanted to know if I heard the announcement just now.

I definitely had.

Shaking my head, I told my brother as much, and I laughed too. Dorian couldn’t be serious.

“I see he stopped being an idiot.”

I looked up to spot a familiar face, but I’d be honest. It was one I was starting to forget as of late.