Page 158 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

Getting rid of our friends is a difficult task because Philip isn’t very willing to leave Agatha in my hands.

“You make her cry once, just once, and I will break every bone in your body,” Philip glares at me.

“I’ll help,” Fergus says as he zips up his jacket.

When Zayn doesn't say anything, they give him a disbelieving look, and he scoffs. “I’m way ahead of you. I already promised Agatha to hold him down while she went to work on him with a baseball bat.”

“I’m not going to screw this up.” I glower at them. “And you guys are dicks.”

Once they are gone, it’s just Agatha and me.

She looks at me and then sighs. “So, how is this going to work?”

It isn’t a difficult arrangement. The next few days go by easily. I had a talk with Nick about filtering any and every gift that made its way to the office. Agatha saw me talking to him, but she didn’t comment.

The driver that Philip arranged is a veteran, Jacob. The man has scars and looks and sounds tough. However, he already knew Agatha, so she is quite comfortable with this arrangement.

The only problem is that I am starting to sense that Agatha is trying to pull away from me and it’s bewildering me to the point of madness. She didn’t show any intention of taking any steps forward in our relationship, and she didn’t broach the topic of my confession.

In fact, she outright avoids it.

The weekend is around the corner and as I swing by her office to pick her up, I nod to Jacob, who is making a cup of coffee for himself in the office kitchen.

“She’s in a bad mood,” he warns me. I stop in my tracks.

“What happened?”

He puts in two spoons of sugar into the brown liquid. “Don’t know.”

I look through the glass walls that separate Agatha’s office from the rest of the floor. “Did anything come for her?”


cob shakes his head. “Your boy Nick’s been on that. A lot of stuff came, but he just put it in the cupboard like you said. The cop was here again, the one with the weird thing in his nose.”

“It’s called a nose ring, Jacob,” I wince at the crude description.

“All these kids trying to be punks.” Jacob scowls. “He took some of the things with him.”

“Okay. Thanks.” I am about to leave when Jacob makes a weird sound.


He looks a little hesitant before saying, “One of the lawyers from upstairs came sniffing around your girl. He came a few days before as well but left pretty quick. Today he was lingering, talking before she sent him packing.”

I guess it isn’t just Agatha who’s in a bad mood.

I walk into her office. “Lawyers, really?”

Agatha looks up from where she is standing, startled at my appearance. “Ian, I—”

“You can’t say two words to me properly, but you can hour-long discussions with guys who casually stop by?” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.

Agatha blinks at me. “I’m sorry. Do I need to inform you every time a guy comes and talks to me?”

I stare at her for a moment before I ask, quietly, “Are you punishing me? Is that what this is? You avoid me like the plague even though we’re living together temporarily, but you still make time for other people? Or have my feelings for you become a bother?”

She is silent, and then she leans forward in her seat. “I don’t… I’m not punishing you. I just don’t know what to say to you. Or how to say it.”