Page 157 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

“That’s enough,” I growl when I feel Agatha tense. “She’s told us now. That’s important.”

Zayn purses his lips but I can see the sly look in his eyes, and I wonder what that is about.

“Speaking of you,” Philip narrows his eyes. “What’s going on here?”

Agatha opens her mouth, but I beat her to it. “I told Agatha I love her.”

A pause.

“Are we going to have a problem?”

Philip’s eyes darken before he just smiles sardonically and crosses his arms over his chest. “I think my sister can handle you just fine. Nobody does revenge better than her, after all.”

I pale, remembering incidents from our childhood, and when Agatha glances up at me, she rolls her eyes, muttering, “Coward.”

I hear the amusement in her voice and for some reason that tells me that things are going to be okay for us.

“I can assign you a team—” Philip starts speaking before Agatha cut him off.

“No.” She shakes her head. “No teams. No one following me around. I have clients to work with. I do a lot of confidential work, and I can’t afford to have my clients get all itchy about having people around me, for whatever reason.”

Fergus says, “It’s just for—”

However, Agatha is a strong-willed woman, and she refuses to be cornered. She gives them all a bland stare. “Look. I’ll be careful. If you insist on it, you can give me a security member—” her brow arches, “—and that means just one. He can chauffeur me around. Keep an eye on me from a distance.”

Fergus and Philip exchange a look, and I feel Agatha tense up again under my hand.

“I can pick her up in the evening once she’s done. Also, I suggested that she can live with me for a while, but I was shot down as well, so that’s off the table.”

“So, why don’t you move in with her?” Zayn suggests, nonchalantly, as if he is discussing the weather and has not just lit a fire under Agatha.

“Excuse me?” Agatha bares her teeth at him, and I have to hold her down.

Zayn shrugs his shoulders. “I’m just being helpful, you know, offering solutions. Since you plan on shooting down ideas.”

“I don’t need a babysitter,” Agatha snarls at him. “I’ve taken security measures.”

When she makes to get up again, I have to calmly push her back down. “Now, now. Stop it. Both of you.” When Agatha scowls at me, I shake my head. “We can’t force anything on you. You always have the option of moving back into your family home for a while.”

When Agatha gives me a horrified look, I shrug. “Your apartment may be secure, but nothing is ever truly safe. So unless you want us to disrupt our busy schedules for you to keep checking up on you, it would be easier if one of us could always be around. This person knows where you live and where you work. He also knows your favorite spots to eat and hang out.”

Agatha’s lips tighten into a thin line, and I see the fear leap up into her eyes again before she schools her expression.

However, I have seen her weak point, and I press, “Look, it won’t be that bad. We already have busy schedules. I can just pick you up after work or whoever is assigned to you can drop you off at my office once you’re done and then we’ll just come to your place and crash for the night. On weekends, we already hang out together, all of us. So, not much will be changing.”

Agatha looks reluctant, but I can see she is considering the idea ‘til Philip speaks up. “She can stay with Charlotte and me. You don’t have to go out of your way.”

Agatha turns her head to look at him. “As much as I adore Charlotte, she needs you to herself for now. This pregnancy is hard on her. The less added stress on her, the better.” Shifting her eyes to Fergus, who was about to say something, she adds, “Same goes for you. Sarah’s hands are full with her brother’s kid on the way and wedding planning. Ian’s offer is the only one I can take.”

“You can also stay with me.” Zayn’s lips twist in a dry smile.

“Sure,” Agatha gives him a sweet smile, “Where would you prefer me to bury your corpse after the second day?”

He grins at her. “I knew that was a bad idea when I said it out loud.”

Agatha looks up at me. “Fine. You it is.”

Even as Philip mutters in protest, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I want to force down the walls that Agatha is starting to erect around her, and this will give me the chance to do that.