And while I admire her for it, I need her to be wrapped up in me, in such emotional depth that when I finally reveal who I am, she’s unable to walk away from me.

So, I just give her an appraising look. “You’re my plus one.”

The pen nearly slips from her fingers as she gapes at me. “Excuse me?”

I give her an innocent look. “Do you have a problem with that?”

Kendall looks both baffled and stunned. “I can’t go with you. You’re expected to show up with a date.”

“And you’ll be my date,” I inform her, pleased by her reaction.

“No.” She lifts a hand facing me, as if to stop me in tracks. “I’m your PA. If I show up in a dress under the guise of date, people will talk.”

Now, I lean back, satisfaction emitting from me. “I’m not going with someone to one of the most interesting events of the year only to be bored to death. I like your company. So, I’ll take you.”

“There’s no changing your mind?” Kendall asks weakly.

“No.” I open the file in front of me and start going through it.

“It’s just a pretend date,” she says, mostly to herself.

I keep my head down, my lips curving at the conviction in her words. “You can tell yourself that if it helps you feel better.”

When she slams the door behind her with a snarl, I chuckle.

Little spitfire.

“So, what, you just told her?” Duke stares at me through the rearview mirror.

We’re driving back from a meeting and I look out the window, my tone dry as I reply, “Well, I wasn’t going to ask her. She’d never have agreed.”

Duke is silent for a few moments as he turns the car around a corner and then he says, “I’ve known you for a long time, man. I’ve had your back since we shared a cell together and I’ve gone along with all your shit, but this, it’s been three months, the longer you delay telling her, the worse her reaction will be.”

“She’s not ready yet,” I murmur. “In her mind, I abandoned her. She won’t stay. And if she does, she’ll pull away from me.”

Duke looks doubtful. “I don’t know, man. In my opinion, pull it off like a band-aid. She’ll come around.”

I chuckle humorously. “You don’t know Kendall, like I do. She’ll cut her nose to spite her face.”

“She doesn’t seem the type.” Duke pulls in front of Starr Enterprises. “But whatever you say. She seems to be warming up to you.”

If keeping me at arm’s length is warming up to me, I muse as I slide out of the car.

Entering the building, I’m not surprised to see Lucas standing there at the reception desk, involved in a discussion with Elise.

“Elise.” I walk over to them, studying the tired-looking woman. “How are you feeling?”

She’s the one friend that Kendall has made in the company and they often have lunch together. Kendall isn’t exactly liked by the female staff, rumors of her cohabitation having flown around. I’m determined to encourage this friendship, giving the woman I love more reason not to leave this firm.

Heavily pregnant, Elise looks wan, but gives me a small smile. “Like I’ll be needing to go on that maternity leave as soon as I can.”

“Stay off your feet,” I tell her firmly, “And whatever you need, you let Lana know.”

Surprised but happy, Elise nods.

Lucas studies me. “I hear you’re taking Kendall to the Heimens Ball.”

Elise’s eyes brighten and she glances in my direction.