I fix the cuff of my jacket. “Yes. We have meetings in the city the next day and I don’t see why she shouldn’t attend. Apparently, she’s getting along well with most of our clients and they’ll be there as well.”

“Is that the only reason?” Lucas fishes for information.

I give him a blunt look. “It’s the official reason. Now keep your nose out of my business and stop harassing my receptionist,” I order curtly, my tone washing over my lawyer’s head.

“Thank you for the bread rolls.” Elise pokes at the inconspicuous looking box sitting on the marble counter, an uncertain smile on her face as she looks at Lucas.

“It was my pleasure.” Lucas smiles at her, genuine happiness on his face.

He follows me to the elevator and as we ride up, I tell him. “You know she’s sworn off men, right? She told Kendall.”

Lucas looks dejected. “She told me too.” Then he brightens up. “But who knows? She might change her mind.”

I drop him off at his floor and give him a hard stare. “Only you would think to use food to win her affection.”

Lucas gives me a sly look. “Like you’re one to talk.”

My eyes narrow but before I can ask him what he means by that, the doors close.

I feel a pang of hunger as I walk into my office and wonder if Kendall has had lunch. She’s worse with her eating habits than I am.

When she first started working here, she would often skip lunch and if I ordered for us, she would only eat half and take the rest home. It was only later that I found out that since she hadn’t been paid her first salary, she and her little family was living hand to mouth. Something that stung me to no end, knowing that even with me, she still saw the need to sacrifice her hunger for the grinning boy she had helped raise and her friend.

Of course, then her salary had been paid in advance, quietly, and I ensured she no longer needed to only eat half of her meals. But she kept forgetting to feed herself.

Not that it matters.

It only gave me more opportunity to do it.

I’m annoyed to see one of my senior finance executives, Jace Hunter, leaning against Kendall’s desk, talking to her.

My eyes narrow into little slits as I take in the cozy little scene with displeasure. More so because this isn’t the first time I’ve caught him here. “Mr. Hunter,” I say loudly. “Is your station too uncomfortable for you? Would you prefer that I ask Lana to provide you with a desk next to Miss West?”

‘Miss West’ gives me a nasty look.

Jace straightens up and has the grace to flush. His dark hair is slicked back.

It makes me wonder how much hair product he goes through per week.

“I was telling Kendall about this funny story about how one of the accountants misspelled fiscal year…” he trails off with a sigh. “And you’re not interested in hearing that.”

Kendall makes a snoring sound before suddenly expressing a fascination with her nails.

Jace glares at her.

She then grins up at him and uses the desk to propel her chair into a swinging motion. “It was the most fascinating story I’ve ever heard. Maybe you could record it for me, Jace. It’ll help with my insomnia.”

It annoys me that she’s so friendly and relaxed with him, bantering with him in a way she never does with me, no matter how much room I allow her.

I hate feeling insecure and that makes my tone harsher. “Don’t you have work to do Mr. Hunter? And you’re supposed to be working on a report for me, Miss West.”

Kendall presses her lips into a thin line and her spine is stiff as a rod when she says, “It’s on your desk and I’m taking a lunch break.”

Her voice is cold, making me wince internally.

“That was mentioned in my contract, no? Or is there a slave clause that I’m unaware of?”

Jace glances at her and then throws me a look. “I actually came to talk to you. I was just waiting.”