Page 31 of Hometown Lover

My phone buzzed and I slipped it out of my pocket. Peter. He'd texted me twice over the past four days to see if I was okay or if I needed help. I'd responded to the first text that I was fine, but after that I hadn't said anything.

I've been busy.

I knew that was a crap excuse even in my own head. Yeah, I'd been busy but I'd also been avoiding him a little bit. It would be easier if when it was time for me to go we were both used to not being around each other so much. Things would go back to the way they were before and I had to accept that. For me, that meant distance before I even left.

I texted him back to let him know that I was busy again. Peter didn't text back. I almost wished he would just so I could hear something back from him, but I knew I was being crazy again. I quickly tucked my phone into my pants and lifted a box to help out the movers. Once it was tucked away I wiped a hand over my forehead and sighed.

Almost done. I just need to hang in there. I could use a break, but I wanted to keep going so I didn't slow down and stop completely.

My phone buzzed again and I sighed as I wriggled it free and saw Amber was calling. Again. She was really persistent too.

"Joanne where are you? It's been almost two weeks and you're still getting the house together?"

I stared at the phone like she was crazy. Two weeks? I'd spent a little over a week back home. A few days at my place, and a few days at Peter's. What is she talking about? I tried to keep my voice level so I didn't communicate the frustration I felt at being rushed.

"Well yes, it's a big place. I'm almost done with it, but I might need another day or two so I can really finish everything up."

She sighed heavily. "Are you sure you aren't just running around and playing out there?"

I stared at my phone. Does she think I'm one of her kids? I bit my tongue to keep from telling her that once again I was cleaning out my dead mother's home and there was a lot of stuff. It wasn't like I could get it all taken care of right away because that's what she wanted. It didn't work that way.

"It shouldn't take me too much longer. I have a few more things that need to be taken care of and then I'll be signing the papers to sell the house. Once that's all done I'll be driving back."

"Look, Joanne," she sighed into the phone again. "I don't want to have to do this, but if you don't get back here in two days you're going to have to look for another job when you return."

I blinked. "Are you serious?"

"Sorry, but I have things to do and I can't wait around forever for you to decide whether or not you want to come back to work. I was happy to wait as long as I had and you still haven't come back so what can I do?"

I wanted to scream. She's been patient? She acted as if this was the first time we'd had a conversation. Or like she hadn't texted me a million and five times over the course of me being here. I gritted my teeth and simply nodded my head.

"I understand."

"Good," she said sounding more upbeat now that she'd gotten her way. "I'll expect you no later than the weekend then. If you need anything call me and I'll help out."

I'll get right on that. I wanted to say the words so badly they stung my tongue, but I closed my mouth, let her know that I didn't need anything and hung up the phone. As soon as her voice was out of my ear I pinched the bridge of my nose and hung my head low.

I knew I couldn't have both my friendship and my fun with Peter along with my career, but it was another smack of reality that it was stupid to even think about it in the first place. He and I were from different worlds now. They obviously weren't meant to mix.

"I think that's everything major. Did you need anything else done?" One of the movers asked.

I shook my head. "No, that's it for now. I can take these smaller boxes and bags and drop them off at the donation center myself."

"Sounds good."

I watched them leave before I picked up the last box that I was going to donate and slipped it inside of my car. I stared at it for a minute. It was getting closer and closer to when I needed to leave and it made me anxious. I'd started to get used to my small town. The quiet evenings, the friendly smiles from strangers, the simple life. I was going to miss it.

Once I'd dropped off the boxes for goodwill I decided to go and grab some things for lunch. My stomach growled and I actually really wished I had something Peter had made. His food was amazing. As I walked through the store I heard my name and glanced around.

"Joanne! I thought that was you."

I stopped and smiled when I finally saw who was calling me. Kelly looked exactly like she did in high school. Still manicured and perfect with curly blonde hair and eyes so bright and blue they looked like the ocean. Her dress was a pretty pastel pink and she'd worn heels even though it was still lightly snowing. I always thought she was kind of perfect.

"Kelly," I smiled. "It's so good to see you. How are you?"

She hugged me. "I'm doing great! I've been working at this little law firm in the city. It's a bit of a commute, but I love it there. What have you been up to?"

"Nannying in Vegas," I told her. "It's a good job."