Page 32 of Hometown Lover

"I'm so glad to hear it. I kind of figured you'd be good with kids. You always had a lot of patience with everyone even if they drove you crazy. Especially Peter. Oh, have you run into him yet?"

I nodded. "I saw him around. He's doing well around here it seems."

"Oh yeah, he's great," she said happily. "We dated for a little while a few months ago. He's grown up a lot."

I blinked. "You two dated? How long?"

"Like eight months or something?" She said as she tapped her chin.

"Wow, what happened? Why aren't you guys still together?" I asked almost not wanting to know.

"Peter's… Peter. He's not exactly looking for a commitment and I'm looking for a husband you know? I don't want to date forever. Besides, he lives and works here and I'm in the city a ton. It was just too much. We're still good friends though. I'm surprised you two haven't gone out yet."

"Why would we go out?"

"You know, he always had a crush on you," she laughed. "He used to follow you around like a little guard dog ready to kick anyone's butt who bothered you."

I smiled at that memory. I'd never realized he had a crush on me, maybe I

was just blind to it… but she was right about him following me around everywhere. I always knew he looked out for me, but he hid a lot of it too. That was just how he was.

Kelly and I chatted for a while longer, but the more she spoke, the more I knew that I could never be the one for Peter. If he wouldn't commit to her and she was so perfect, upbeat and had herself together, why would he go for me?

I'd always been more of a tomboy than a girly girl. I swore too much, drank too much beer and laughed too loudly. I ate like food was going to dissolve off of my plate and I never knew when to stop talking. Kelly was the complete opposite. I could see why he would date her, even if it made me a little jealous.

I could never compete with her.

That thought hit me so hard it sparked my flight response. I had to get out of there. I had to get out of town and go back home to Vegas. At least there I never had these feelings that confused and concerned me. Coming back had only stirred up my emotions until I didn't know what was going on.

"I'm sorry, Kelly, but I really do need to get going," I said as I quickly gripped my cart and prepared to take off. "It was nice to catch up with you."

"Aw, really? Well, it was nice to catch up with you too. Maybe we could go and grab a drink before you leave or something? It's been years and I'd love to talk more."

She looked so hopeful. The way her eyes lit up when she looked at me made me feel like she really cared. Did she make Peter feel like that? I could see the two of them together. She was small enough and sweet enough that they'd make a cute couple. My stomach turned and I felt the need to bolt again.

"Um yeah sure, maybe we could catch up before I have to leave."

"Give me your number," she smiled.

We exchanged numbers and I high-tailed it out of the store before I even got the chance to buy what I'd come in for. I hit myself in the head and headed off to a fast food place instead. I just couldn't think straight anymore. It was time for me to get out of there before I really lost my mind.

My phone vibrated when I sat in the drive-thru and I looked down to see that it was from Peter. He wanted to know if I was okay.

Yeah, I'm great. Just losing it.

I didn't know what to tell him. I didn't want him to know that I was jealous over something so stupid, something that was never going to happen in the first place.

I texted him back and told him I was fine. That was it. We didn't need to chat anymore. I was too busy getting everything together and he needed to get used to not having me around again. I clenched the steering wheel a little harder.

Am I making the right decision?

Chapter 14


I stared at the text message and frowned. I'm fine. Two words. That was all she'd sent. Over the past few days, it was like she barely wanted to say anything to me. I was starting to wonder if I'd pissed her off or something.

"I don't remember pissing her off," I muttered to myself.