“Damn, Tyson.” Remington shakes his head and closes the folder, almost reverently. “I don’t know how to thank you. Austin said you were good, but fuck, this is a dream come true.”

I put my hands out to the side and give him a cocky smile. “That’s why you pay me the big bucks.”

Remington rolls his eyes. “No joke.”

My smile becomes an unabashed grin. Yeah, I am fucking expensive, but I’m damn good. One of, if not the best in the business.

We set up a meeting with the film executives to negotiate his contract and shake hands before Remington departs. I glance at the clock and sigh. Fina-fucking-ly. It’s quittin’ time. In fact, my appointment was shorter than I anticipated, so I won’t be late like I’d thought. If I hurry, I can get home just after Colette. I rush to close down my office and, other than a wave, practically ignore everyone on the way to the parking garage. I hop in my black, BMW 850 convertible and roar off.

As I pull into the garage, the empty spot next to mine reminds me that we should probably retrieve her car from her dad’s house. I’m not in a hurry to do that though. I like the thought of her being stranded here with me, and I enjoy the thought of dropping her off and picking her up every day.

The entrance from the garage opens into a long back corridor, and I make my way down to a small hall. There are doors to two bedrooms and a half-bathroom, but I hang a right through an archway that leads into a dining area which then opens into a huge open living room and kitchen.

I halt in surprise because all of the lights are off and everything looks undisturbed. It occurs to me that maybe she’s read my mind and is waiting for me in bed, so I jog across the space and down another hallway that leads to our bedroom.

Empty. What the fuck?

Trying not to worry that she’s been in an accident or something equally horrifying, I dig my cell phone from the inner pocket of my suit jacket. My face unlocks it and I click to the finder app. I linked her phone’s GPS this morning while she was in the shower.

When the map pops up and I see her picture floating, I lift the screen closer to see the address underneath. My brows slam down, and I growl in frustration as I spin around and stomp back to my car while sending her a text. She’d said she was going home. Apparently, she’d meant her dad’s house.

Fuck that. This is her damn home.

Me: Where are you, Colette?

It takes a few minutes for the dots to pop up, minutes where my irritation grows.

Colette: Home.

I know she’s being deliberately stubborn and my hand is itching to spank her pretty ass. I couldn’t have made it any clearer that her home is now with me.

Me: Bullshit. You’re at your Dad’s house.

I slip into my car and turn the ignition while her dots jump around. I’m pulling out of the garage before another message pings. I push a button on my steering wheel and the car speaks the text to me.

Colette: How do you know where I am?

If I wasn’t so pissed, I would smile because I can hear her adorably indignant tone in my head. But, my amusement is fleeting. I press another button and speak a text back, ignoring her question and answering with one of my own.

Me: Why aren’t you at home?

Colette: I AM home. As you apparently already knew.

I’m done with this conversation until we can have it in person. And when we get home, she’s going to get that spanking she deserves until her ass is cherry red.

Me: We’ll talk about this when I get there.

When I reach the gates to the Grier estate, I almost expect whoever answers the intercom to turn me away. In which case, I would have run the fucking thing over. But, the gates begin to open before I even have a chance to push the button.

I pull to a stop right at the front door and turn off the car, then get out and jog up the porch steps. My fist pounds hard on the thick, wooden door and I pace until I hear the lock click. It swings open and I inwardly sigh, almost immediately calmed at the sight of my girl. Almost.

Crowding her, I force my way inside, not that she puts up a fight. Then I slam it closed and back her up against the nearest wall before slamming my mouth down on hers. She moans and her arms go around my neck, her hands diving into my hair.

“Damn, I missed you today, baby,” I groan, then lick her lips and deepen the kiss.