“Me too,” she breathes.

I finally pull back and glare down at her. “Then tell me why you weren’t waiting for me at home when I got there?”

Her eyes shift nervously, and she shuffles her feet, trying to get out of my embrace, but I don’t let her. “Colette?”

“My dad doesn’t know, and I still haven’t explained about last night,” she mumbles. “I didn’t know what to do besides come ho—” I growl, and she blinks up at me for a second, then corrects herself. “To my dad’s house.”

“You were supposed to tell him, baby,” I say sternly.

“Tell me what?”

Colette jumps at the sound of Carson’s voice, but I just turn slightly to face him, keeping her locked firmly in my arms.

“That she’s mine.”

Chapter 9


My dad’s gaze drops to where Tyson’s arms are wrapped around me. His brows climb high on his forehead, and his eyes narrow. “How can my daughter be yours when the two of you didn’t even know each other before your meeting the other day? Seems a little sudden to be talking like that.”

Tyson drops a kiss to the top of my head, making my dad’s cheeks redden, before he answers, “She’s always been mine; it just took me until last week to find her.”

I should focus on calming my dad down so that he’ll listen to what we have to say. But even knowing it’ll rile him up more, I snuggle into Tyson’s embrace. His response is just so darn sweet; I can’t help but melt against him. My dad doesn’t miss my reaction. A muscle in his jaw jumps, and he runs a hand through his hair. “You two—I can’t—”

He breaks off and starts to pace back and forth in front of us. I wait a couple of minutes until he stops muttering under his breath before I add to Tyson’s explanation. “I know this is a surprise for you, Dad. I was planning to talk with you about it tonight over dinner—”

“That would’ve been good to know since I was expecting you to have dinner with me at home,” Tyson grumbles, his arms tightening around me.

“Home?” my dad echoes, his loud voice booming around the room.

“Yes, home,” Tyson repeats in a firm tone. “I get that she’s your daughter. I’m sure you’re happy to have her back in town and under your roof. But her place is with me now.”

I elbow Tyson in the side and tilt my head back to glare at him. “Cut it out. You’re not exactly helping things here,” I hiss.

“Actually, he’s the one I want to hear from right now. I can tell how much you care for him already. Your eyes light up when you look at Tyson, even when you’re irritated. Just like your mom’s did with me.” My dad flashes me a bittersweet smile before turning his attention to Tyson. His expression hardens, and I grow even more nervous about how this conversation is going to end. My dad has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising at work, but that’s nothing compared to how he can be when it comes to me. “My daughter doesn’t let many people into her heart. She has a few close friends from school, but she’s never been interested in men. I think it’s in large part because of the sudden way we lost her mother. I feel partially responsible for that because I didn’t hide how devastated I was from Colette when I should’ve protected her better. So, what I want to know from you is why I should trust you with my baby girl’s heart.”

“Daddy,” I whisper, my eyes filling with tears. I hate the pain I hear in my dad’s voice. Tyson gives me a comforting squeeze before letting me go so I can give my dad a hug.

“Don’t cry because of me, Colette,” he soothes, patting me on my back. “You know I can’t stand the sight of your tears.”

“Neither can I,” Tyson agrees, his hands fisting at his sides. He’s obviously fighting the urge to pull me back and it just makes me love him more for giving me this moment with my dad.

My dad drops his arms and steps to the side. I move closer to Tyson as my dad gives him a considering look and nods. “I guess that’s something we have in common then.”

Tyson wraps his arm around me, pressing me against his side. “I don’t know you that well outside of the business world, Mr. Grier. But based on what I’ve heard about your relationship with your wife, I think you’re a man who understands what it feels like to know you’ve met the woman you’re meant to be with.”

My dad crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Is that what you’re trying to tell me? You took one look at my Colette and knew?”