“No,” she says, smiling bashfully. “Bora genuinely doesn’t care. She’s dating a guy named Dick now, and she’s happy. She has real feelings for him.” Her eyes widen, and she clamps her hand over her mouth. “I don’t mean—”

“I’m glad Bor

a didn’t have real feelings for me, because I didn’t have them for her. Don’t apologize,” I tell her, getting a firmer grasp on just how different she is from her sister.

“Sorry,” she says on a breath.

“I guess identical twins don’t have identical personalities. That much I’ve figured out.”

She shrugs a shoulder. “In some cases, they can be so similar that they’re almost the same person. But it’s not like that with us. We have a dynamic that works. We’re both designers, we both do a lot with the business, and we both have a passion for our job, but we are polar opposites in almost every other aspect. Even our designs are completely different from each other’s. It’s what makes our lines so unique—the diversity we bring to the table.”

She looks down while doing something with her phone, and I brush her hair away from her cheek.

“So this hair, will Bora copy it too?” I ask, rubbing a lock between my finger and thumb, loving how soft it is.

She hands me her phone as though she was expecting that question, and I see a picture of a smiling Bo—no, that’s Bora. Bo’s eyes are gentle. Bora looks like she’s bored to death.

“She got it done first,” I say when I see the time stamp. “That’s why you left?”

She nods slowly. “Yeah. Sorry I lied.” She blows out a harsh breath before tossing her phone aside. “Neither of us have relationships that last. Bora just plays it off like she hasn’t been secretly searching for someone she connects with on a level where you feel a bond. Something different from what we have, but just as strong. It… It makes you date differently.”

Now that has my attention.

“What does that mean?”

She shrugs while standing up and going to the closet. “We have a sister bond, but it’s powerful. It used to be stronger,” she says, adding the last part so quietly that I almost miss it. “The point is that we both want a connection that strong on a romantic level, and… Well, that’s not easy to find. Bora uses a different approach in her hunt than I do.”

Despite the much too serious conversation I’m not ready for, my smile slowly spreads. “And what tactic do you use? Obviously this isn’t your tactic.”

She laughs while looking over her shoulder at me, then she goes into the closet and shuts the door.

“Definitely not this tactic. Normally I have lengthy phone conversations with a guy before meeting him, or I go on blind lunch dates when my mother gets too insistent.”

Leaning back, I tug off my shorts and toss them aside, staying in nothing but my boxers. When she walks out, her eyes go straight to my body, but my eyes are on her body.

She’s wearing one of my shirts again, and it’s touching her at mid-thigh. I really hope shorts aren’t under there this time.

She stares at me, and we reach that awkward moment where each other is waiting for the other to make a move. The mood is kind of killed now that we’ve been talking about Bora.

“I’m going to grab something to drink. You want anything?” she asks.

I catch a glimpse of black shorts under the shirt, and I stop myself from going downstairs with her.

If she didn’t had on shorts, no way would I let her go downstairs where Dustin and Cody might see her like that.

“A beer would be nice,” I say, feeling like a nervous kid all over again.

She looks a little shaky while walking out the door, and I half groan, half smile at how off-step I feel around her.

I’m not acting like me at all.

Chapter 27


Just as I finish using the bottle opener on Jax’s beer, a shadow falls over me, and I jump when Cody comes into the room.

“Scare you, Bo?” he asks rhetorically while placing heavy emphasis on my name. Guess Jax told him.