Again, I tense. The hell kind of shit is this?

She starts laughing, and I hear Bora’s voice, even though I can’t hear the words. She’s obviously getting loud.

“I just wanted it for myself for a little while, but now I want you to have it too.” Still can’t walk away, even though this is sounding a little sick and twisted. “Ruby has it on file if you want her to do it for you.”

Ruby is in on it too? Does Corbin know what kind of disgusting kink is going on?

“She doesn’t hate you, Bora. She doesn’t know you, other than the fact you tend to be selfish around others. Show her your good side. Besides, I told her when I got it that eventually you’d get it too. That’s why she has it on file, and it was my one stipulation about letting her give me a tattoo.”

Tattoo? They’re talking about a fucking tattoo?

Again, I relax… then I question my sanity. I’m not used to so much drama and tension. I think I need a massage just because of the knots that have formed from eavesdropping on this conversation that I completely took out of context.

“Just call her if you want to get it. She’ll make it exactly like mine. She gets it.”

My eyebrows knit together as I jog up the stairs and leave her to finish her conversation with Bora. I’m stripping out of my shirt when she finally joins me, and she stumbles into the room like she’s never seen me shirtless before.

“Um… Sorry?” she says, though it sounds like a question.

Yeah, that shy thing is actually still doing it for me. And I still can’t believe I like it.

“I heard you talking to Bora,” I say instead of acknowledging her red cheeks and wandering eyes.

Her gaze snaps up, and she tilts her head.

“About your tattoo? You want her to have one like it?” I ask, sitting down on the bed.

She just stares for a second, and I wait impatiently for an answer.

“Bo?” I prompt.

“Sorry,” she says, tensing her lips. “Just trying to do the math on how much more crazy you can handle from one girl before I answer that.”

I don’t know whether to laugh or be worried after hearing that.

“Um… What level of crazy are we talking? Straight jacket or anxiety pills?”

She huffs out a breath mixed with a laugh while coming to drop down beside me.

“How much do you know about identical twins?” she asks, peering up at me from under those sexy lashes.

“Not a damn thing. Why?”

“Well, it’s not the same with all identical sets, but in a lot of cases, the twins never really want to be anything but identical. Bora and I are like that. If one of us gets a haircut, so does the other. If one gets a piercing, so does the other.”

She tugs up her shirt, and she flicks the jewel that hangs from her navel piercing. I’ve never been big on piercings, but it’s cute on her. Even though it doesn’t suit her shy-girl persona.

“Bora got this done, and I couldn’t stand not getting mine done. Finally, she told me I could if I wanted to. That’s what we do. We let the other know when it’s okay to do it, because sometimes you just want to be different for a minute.”

I try to wrap my head around that, but I don’t really understand it.

“So she’s getting a tattoo just like yours simply because you told her it was okay to do now?”

“She didn’t know about the tattoo, but yes. She’s going to make an appointment as soon as she can. I wish I could it explain it in a way normal people understand, but I can’t. There’s just a bond between us that other people can’t understand. It’s the reason I’ve never dated anyone she has, and vice versa.”

That definitely doesn’t make me feel too good.

“Second thoughts?”