Mr. Marshall has turned away, but his shoulders are shaking with his silent laughter. Mrs. Marshall doesn’t look impressed with me at all. Not that she has prior to my meat-shooting moment. Helen is standing off to the side with horrified amusement in her eyes while covering her mouth. At least she’s trying not to laugh at me.

Great. Way to be awesome, Bo.

Jax goes back to trying to eat, while Mr. Marshall shows me mercy by starting a conversation about the house again. It seems to work, because Viv stops snarling at me, and Mrs. Marshall goes back to pretending I don’t exist.

Mr. Marshall is my hero.

“It’s hard to believe Clashers has been together for so long, and they’re all still part of the original band,” Jax’s mother says randomly, seeming a little giggly.

Helen winks at me when she comes to refill our wine glasses.

“I might have put a little extra alcohol in

the two sangrias she had. You’re welcome,” she whispers close to my ear while pouring my wine.

I stifle my grin as she moves on to Jax’s glass, and I decide to chime in on this subject. Maybe this will help me recover from spitting meat across the dinner table.

“It’s because everything is equal. It’s a democracy between them and the decisions are made together. They even vote to decide if they’re going to do something. They’re more like family, as opposed to bandmates. Considering they’ve been friends since they were kids, they’re really very close.”

Jax chews slowly as he watches me with an amused expression. “Learning a lot about you, Bora.”

I turn to face him, making an in-the-moment decision. “Call me Bo, please. Since I’m calling you Jax.”

His grin only widens. “Bo. I actually like that. Done.”

My name on his lips is… a bad idea.

The table grows more animated by the second, everyone excitedly chattering on. Helen really came through with her extra doses of alcohol. By the time we’re finished, Jax has my hand in his and he’s pulling me away.

Panic sets in. “I should help Helen with the dishes.”

“It’s her job, Bora—I mean, um, Bo.”

My name. Again. I should have let him keep calling me Bora.

“But I like helping,” I add, picking up a plate from the table.

He sighs as he runs his hand through his hair, and then he shrugs.

“Fine. I’ll see you upstairs. Don’t make me wait long,” he says while pressing up against me—his front to my back.

He grabs and squeezes my ass, and my breath hitches. His lips trail up my neck to my jaw, and I tremble.

“Christ, baby, you act like I’ve never touched you before, and it’s driving me crazy in a damn good way. Come upstairs. Please.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“No,” I breathlessly say, but I do it with a smile, trying to laugh it off. “I really want to help. I’ll see you soon.”

He breathes out harshly as he relents, and he disappears. I have maybe ten minutes to figure out what to do next.

Chapter 8


“How’s the girl of the week doing with the family?” Cody asks as I toss on some different, looser shorts.

Bora—damn it, I mean Bo, has been driving me wild all day. Shy glances, sweet and innocent looks, and shivering against my touch. It’s as though she’s a different person.