And I don’t even like the shy shit normally, so I’m confused as to why my dick wants to spring to attention with every shy glance.

“Too soon to tell. My family got exceptionally drunk early on in the evening. Which is odd. My mother never drinks very much. Apparently those sangrias were a little too strong.”

“You know it’s crazy to bring her out on a trip like that, right?”

“Crazy is my style,” I remind him. “Besides, I like pissing off my mother. It’s my favorite hobby.”

Cody laughs as I stare at the door, wondering what’s taking Bo so long.

“True. But Bora is a flake. Though you know that. I told you that the first night you met her.”

“How do you know Bora? Since you brought it up. And has she ever asked you to call her Bo?”

“She’s relatively new to the area, so I don’t know her well. As for Bo? No, even though I did hear a guy come running up on the street and call her Bo while she was talking to Billy—she interrupted our conversation to talk to him, by the way. I called her it once, and she shook her head and reminded me her name was Bora. Apparently that name is reserved for the close circle. That’s how I met her—through Billy Prize. They dated briefly when he was staying in New York. He only made it two weeks before she cut the strings, but he’s a business friend now. Don’t know what business that is. You dumping her soon?”

I stare at the strings of bikinis in the closet, and I shrug. “I planned on doing it before we came out here, but my mother had already invited her. Bo acted like she was going to back out before we came, but I didn’t want to deal with my mother’s lectures for three straight weeks about me and the girls I date. So I essentially begged until she came. I suppose we have three weeks left.”

That would be easier to believe if she hadn’t acted so differently today. So... real. Confusing.

And now she asks me to call her Bo? But Bora is about as deep as a saucer bowl. Today doesn’t change that, and I grow bored quickly with girls like that. They’re only fun until they’re not fun.

“Well, I’ll be there with Dustin soon.”

“Sounds good. I’m about to hit the bed,” I lie. There’s one thing Bora expects from me, and since she’s stuck here with my family, I’m certainly going to deliver.

The door creaks open just as I put my phone down, and Bora tentatively pokes her head in.

“Hey,” she says with that damned sweet grin. Where has that grin been for two weeks?

“Hey,” I say softly, making my way toward her. She sidesteps me quickly to move toward the closet.

“I should change.”

Ah. A striptease game? This could work.

I drop to the bed with my hands clasped behind my head, and I watch and wait. At least these three weeks will be fun.

“I thought we might go to the upper balcony and talk for a while, if you want to,” she says absently, catching me completely off guard.

Is she serious?

I sit up, feeling even more confused by her. “Talk? You?” I say through a laugh.

Maybe some dirty talk?

She frowns as she turns back around, and then she looks around warily at the room. I chose the smallest since I’m the lowest maintenance, and Bora lives in a small apartment, so it’s not like she minds. At least, I don’t think she does.

“Something wrong with the room?” I muse, watching her look nervous.

Since when does she get nervous? Bold, brazen, take-no-prisoners Bora Brendon.

“Um... I just wish this room had a bathroom. Could you turn around?”

I know my look has to be incredulous. “Suddenly shy?”

I can’t keep the sarcasm out of my voice, because there’s no way she’s gotten shy on me. Shy glances is one thing; actually being shy is an entirely different ballpark.

Her cheeks darken with a shade of red I haven’t seen on her before today. Her inhuman ability to never get bashful or embarrassed seems to have fled big time.