Why do his words sound like a sensual promise more than a terrifying threat?

He winks before walking away, and I lean against the wall, silently imploring my heart to slow down.

My paranoia kicks in finally, and his words settle into my core. He really did make it sound dirty. Surely he wouldn’t… I mean… We just…

I don’t know if I’m excited or terrified about what’s in store for me, but I head toward the bathroom, determined to get some answers. One of the rules is no triple dare taunting. At least not this kind of taunting.

Shoving open the door, I try not to stare at the mouthwatering silhouette of the man I can’t move past, as he showers in my bathroom. That’s a lot of sexy hiding behind those frosty doors. Why didn’t I get the transparent doors?

Shaking my head free from the completely unhelpful and toxic thoughts, I try to glare at the shower doors.

“What are you planning, Corbin?” I ask in a deceptively calm tone. I’m not calm. At all. Flustered? Yes. Emotionally fucked up? Definitely. A little turned on? Unfortunately. Calm? Still no.

I can feel the bastard grinning even though I can’t see it.

“You’ll see on the way to Wren’s. You might want to get ready. We need to be there in an hour. You’re welcome to join me in here if you want to save the planet and conserve water.”

I snort, even though it’s just to cover my pathetic whimper, and I pout when I’m forced to feel that familiar ache just his voice can leave me with.

I almost forgot that Corbin Sterling is the reason I learned to freaking masturbate, because he’s way better at playing games than I am.

But I’m way better at triple dares.

Going over to my nightstand, I pull out my small notepad, smirking as I put it in my purse. I think it’s time to bring some long-standing dares back to life.



“Why are we stopping here?” I ask Corbin while he continues wearing the biggest grin I’ve ever seen him have. We pull up at his house, and he turns the car off. “You already have clothes, or do you want to change?”

“We have to pick up your triple dare.”

My eyebrows go up, and an uneasiness settles over me. He is way too excited.

He motions for me to follow him, and I mutter curses at his cobblestone walkway when I start looking like an unpracticed high-heel virgin.

“Need help?” Corbin asks, grinning over his shoulder.

Before I can come up with some incredibly witty retort, the spike of my red heel jabs into a crack just right, my ankle twists wrong, and I plummet to my death. Okay, so that’s a bit dramatic.

Helplessly, I brace for impact, squealing all the way down. Two arms are suddenly hoisting me back up, and I get thrown over Corbin’s shoulder while he laughs.

“This is just not my day,” I mumble, hanging upside down without complaint. It’s way better than hitting the ground.

“Ouch!” I yelp as a hard crack comes down on my ass. “What the hell was that for?”

I can feel the devil grinning.

“That’s just a little taste of what you deserve for making me cut my fucking hair.”

Rolling my eyes, I decide not to blow up his ego by telling him how damn good he looks with short hair. He continues carrying me even after we’re inside, and I don’t bother trying to make him put me down.

As soon as we’re in the bedroom, he launches me into the air, and I suck in a breath seconds before it’s bucked out of my lungs by the less than soft mattress I land on.

“How do you sleep on this?” I groan.

“I’m stealing your mattress,” he says idly, going to the closet to pull something out.

I watch with rapt attention when he retrieves a gift bag. He got me a present?

Yeah, I’m smiling like a little girl.

But that smile disappears when I see his smile. It’s not a sweet smile. No… That is one scary smile.



“What’s this?” she asks, suspicious, as she eyes the present like it might bite her.

“Your triple dare.”

Warily, she reaches inside, and she pulls out the lacy underwear that has me adjusting my stance. Her brow creases as she looks back at me.

“Underwear is my triple dare?”

Smirking, I reach into the bag and pull out the remote. Yeah, I already opened the shit and got it ready.

“I triple dare you to wear this underwear all night. Stipulations? You can’t relieve yourself no matter how intense it gets, and you can’t tell anyone you’re wearing it until after it’s off.”

She looks all the more confused until she finally sees what makes the underwear special. Just as she takes the weighted crotch in her hands, I press the button, and she squeals while dropping the vibrating underwear.