I don’t understand the point of stealing my car if he just planned to park it here and then give it right back. Idiot.

Rolling my eyes, I unlock my baby and get inside, inspecting her for any damage. Everything looks okay, so I crank her up, still wary that something is going to jump out and scare the hell out of me at any moment.

Nothing happens, much to my relief, and I smile while pushing my brake to put it in gear, and—

What the hell?

I squeal and jump a little when a loud foghorn sounds like a boat is about to crash into the harbor, but there’s no freaking harbor. I jump out of my car, looking around for what jerk just scared me, but there’s no one around, and the random foghorn is gone.

Shaking my head, I get back in my running car, and press my brake again, only to scream when the foghorn sounds once more. I jerk my foot off the brake, and I glare at the dashboard like it has the answers when silence hits again.

But then I freaking realize what’s going on.

My ears hurt from the obnoxious noise that just blared, but I have no choice but to test my theory. Cringing and covering my ears with both hands, I press my brake, and sure enough, the damn foghorn sounds again, penetrating my ears like my hands aren’t even there.

Murder is officially on my agenda.



After using Ruby’s toothbrush, I flop back down to the best mattress ever. I’m going to start chaining Ruby to the bed when I sleep with her. I’ve only gotten to sleep beside her twice since we were nineteen, and both times I’ve woken up alone.

I suspected as much when I climbed into bed with her last night. The brownies lowered her guard, and I took advantage. Well, I took advantage to a certain degree.

Now she’s thinking clearly and remembering the boundaries. Sleeping in the same bed is definitely a boundary.

A loud, ruthless noise blares just outside, and I squeal like a little fucking girl before falling off the bed. It stops, and I leap to my feet, walking hurriedly toward the doorway while clearing my throat.

Just as I reach the living room, the damn sound blares again, and that stupid bitch squeal comes out of me again before I trip over the coffee table, crashing to the floor like an idiot.

What the hell is that? A foghorn?

I’m groaning when Ruby storms in, slamming the door behind her. Her furious eyes find mine, and I tilt my head as another groan comes out of me for a different reason. Now what have I done?

“I triple dare you to kill Rye Clanton,” she snarls.

It’s so random that I actually feel my lips twitch in two different directions, torn between smiling and tilting in confusion.

Sitting up and rubbing my elbow that took most of the impact on my fall, I cock an eyebrow at her, amused. She looks like she’s ready to tear someone apart, and for once, it’s not me.

“I’m fairly certain we put murder restrictions on triple dares.”

“What?” she yells, putting her hand up to her ear.

I burst out laughing, realizing that damn foghorn has apparently left her hearing a little off.

She glares over at me, and I start snickering seconds before she rolls her eyes.

“I said,” I yell, trying not to laugh and talk at the same time, “we put murder restrictions on triple dares!”

“Then I triple dare you to kick his ass. I’d do it myself, but the asshole has a lot more muscle than he used to. He wired my brakes to the horn, but he made my horn a freaking foghorn somehow! How does someone do that?”

She scowls while crossing her arms over her chest, and I inwardly groan this time because that just shoves her breasts up and draws my eyes in.

“Eyes up. You’re missing my angry face,” she says, amused now when I look up.

Her “angry face” is actually a suppressed grin at this point.

Smirking, I stand and go over to her, and she swallows noticeably when I get close enough. I love it when she stops acting like a badass long enough to look a little vulnerable.



My ears were hurting, my fury was bubbling over, and my head was killing me when I first walked in. But now Corbin is just a few inches from me, fingering a lock of my hair like it’s fascinating as he smirks at me.

“It’s my turn to triple dare you,” he reminds me, speaking in his low, sexy voice that has me wishing my temporary hearing loss wasn’t already gone. “You’ll have to save the ass-kicking dare for later. Don’t worry. You won’t be waiting long.”

My knees tremble as the heat of his breath whispers across my face, teasing me with his incredible scent.